The Yoga of Money: The Inner Path to Wealth and Abundance | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

The Yoga of Money: The Inner Path to Wealth and Abundance

作者:Chopra, Deepak

Deepak Chopra, M.D., FACP, founder of the Chopra Foundation (a nonprofit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism) and Chopra Global (a modern-day health company at the intersection of science and spirituality), is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. Chopra is a clinical professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego, and serves as a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He is the author of more than ninety books translated into forty-three languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers. Time magazine has described Dr. Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century.
