Tibetan Yoga: Magical Movements of Body, Breath, and Mind | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Tibetan Yoga: Magical Movements of Body, Breath, and Mind

作者:Chaoul, Alejandro

Dr. Alejandro Chaoul is a senior teacher at The 3 Doors, an international organization founded by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche with the goal of transforming lives through meditation. He has studied Tibetan yoga for 30 years with the Bön tradition’s greatest masters, including the late H. H. Lungtok Tenpai Nyima, Yongdzin Tenzin Nandak, and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. He completed the seven-year training at Ligmincha Institute and received his PhD in Tibetan Religions from Rice University. Dr. Chaoul is the founding director of the Mind, Body, Spirit Institute at The Jung Center of Houston. He is the author of Chöd Practice in the Bon Tradition and Tibetan Yoga for Health and Well-Being.
