Happiness Doesn’t Come from Headstands | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Happiness Doesn’t Come from Headstands

作者:Levitt, Tamara

Trying--and failing--can be a path to happiness too. Leela loves to do yoga. She could do all sorts of poses, but there was one pose she couldn't do. Every time Leela tried to do a headstand...KERPLUNK This book explores the themes of acceptance, resilience, and self-compassion and offers the message that just because we may experience a failure does not mean that we are a failure. Written as a counterpoint to the message of The Little Engine that Could, Happiness Doesn't Come from Headstands is a story about a girl who tries her best, but still falls down. Through the process she learns that happiness is not determined by external achievement. Through accepting our limitations and celebrating our efforts, even in the face of failure, peace can be found.

Tamara Levitt is an author, producer, speaker, and mindfulness educator. She works as head of content at Calm, the mindfulness meditation app. She leads the creative strategy for Calm’s content library and oversees production of the company’s original content offering. Tamara writes, produces, and narrates Calm’s mindfulness meditation programs. Tamara is also founder of Begin Within Productions, where she produces mindfulness based multi-media content. Her experience as a meditation practitioner exceeds over twenty years of study and practice. She is based in Toronto, Canada.
