手把手教你寫:中學生英語作文入門 | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月




Part 1看圖作文 Unit 1 看一幅圖作文 芒果家族總動員2 芒果聰聰來示范3 芒果明明巧串段3 芒果作文金鑰匙3 牛刀小試初體驗4 開動腦筋巧回答4 捕捉靈感我會寫5 自我評價5 佳作連連看5 My Bedroom6 The Morning of a Park7 Where Is Lei Feng?8 Our School Campus10 Don,t Keep Your Worries11 Saving Water13 Let’’s Do Something to Save Our Environment14 After Supper15 A Policeman17 An English Evening 18 My Birthday Party19 Helping the Old21 Cooking Is Fun22 幽默輕博客23 Unit 2 看幾幅圖作文 芒果家族總動員24 芒果聰聰來示范25 芒果明明巧串段25 芒果作文金鑰匙26 牛刀小試初體驗26 開動腦筋巧回答26 捕捉靈感我會寫27 自我評價27 佳作連連看27 A Good Young Pioneer28 My Pleasant Day 29 In the Park30 Flying the Bird32 Christmas Day33 Xiaohong’’s Weekend35 A Helpful Boy36 Test Paper38 How Dangerous the Trip Was! 39 Civilized City40 A Traffic Accident42 Visiting Old Henry43 幽默輕博客44 Part 2提示性作文 Unit 3 文字提示性作文 芒果家族總動員46 芒果聰聰來示范46 芒果明明巧串段47 芒果作文金鑰匙47 牛刀小試初體驗47 開動腦筋巧回答48 捕捉靈感我會寫48 自我評價48 佳作連連看49 My Home49 My Study50 How to Be Happy 51 How to Behave Well52 The Students’’ Lunch in Our School54 Yi Jianlian55 I’’d Like to Work as a Volunteer56 Mother’’ s Day57 Visiting Jim58 Students’’ Safety59 Traffic Safety61 Using the Internet62 My Favourite Fruit63 Protecting Tigers64 How to Develop Good Living Habits65 How to Relax67 Proud of My School68 An Unforgettable Sports Meeting69 幽默輕博客70 Unit 4 表格提示性作文 芒果家族總動員71 芒果聰聰來示范71 芒果明明巧串段72 芒果作文金鑰匙72 牛刀小試初體驗72 開動腦筋巧回答73 捕捉靈感我會寫73 自我評價73 佳作連連看74 My Plan About the Summer Holiday74 My Brother and I75 An Outing76 The Daily Life of the Franklins77 Planting Trees79 An Accident 80 About Making Friends on Line81 Helping Zhuoma83 Our Activities After Class84 The Change of Zhang Hua’’s Life85 Breakfast Is Important86 The Activities of the School English Club88 Behaving Well During the Travel89 We Should Help Parents Do Housework90 Reading After Class91 Great Changes of Our School Life93 Our Ideal Jobs94 A Survey of Weekend Activities95 Learning to Smile96 Lang Lang —a Well—known Pianist98 My American Friend99 幽默輕博客100 part 3:記敘文 Unit 5 寫人作文 芒果家族總動員102 芒果聰聰來示范102 芒果明明巧串段103 芒果作文金鑰匙103 牛刀小試初體驗103 開動腦筋巧回答103 捕捉靈感我會寫104 自我評價104 佳作連連看104 My Father104 My Pen Friend105 My Favourite Star107 My English Teacher108 Mr Bean109 My Favourite Singer110 My Friend111 My Deskmate112 My Sister113 Helen Keller114 A Good Boy115 My Parents116 Yao Ming117 My Grandfather118 My Uncle119 幽默輕博客120 Unit 6 敘事作文 芒果家族總動員121 芒果聰聰來示范121 芒果明明巧串段122 芒果作文金鑰匙122 牛刀小試初體驗122 開動腦筋巧回答123 捕捉靈感我會寫123 自我評價123 佳作連連看123 Helping a Foreigner124 An Outing to the Seaside125 Celebrating the National Day126 Cleaning the Classroom127 A Sports Meeting128 After the Telephone Rang129 Learning to Swim130 Plan for This Weekend131 The Middle School Life Is Over Soon132 Serving the Aged People 133 幽默輕博客134 part 4應用文 Unit 7 書信和電子郵件 芒果家族總動員136 芒果聰聰來示范137 芒果明明巧串段137 芒果作文金鑰匙138 牛刀小試初體驗138 開動腦筋巧回答138 捕捉靈感我會寫139 自我評價139 佳作連連看139 An E—mail to Mike139 An E—mail to Alice141 A Letter to David142 A Letter to Ben 144 A Letter to Bob 145 A Letter to Dad 146 A Letter to Lily148 An E—mail to Terry149 幽默輕博客150 Unit 8 日記 芒果家族總動員151 芒果聰聰來示范151 芒果明明巧串段152 芒果作文金鑰匙152 牛刀小試初體驗153 開動腦筋巧回答153 捕捉靈感我會寫153 自我評價154 佳作連連看154 A Happy Day154 An Interesting Party155 A PE Lesson156 The English Corner158 Mother’’ s Day159 A Visit to Beijing Zoo160 A Picnic161 A Dream163 A Beggar164 A Happy Day166 A Visit to Fujian Museum167 A Visit to the Forest Park168 A Visit to the Great Wall169 A Heavy Snow171 My First School Day in China172 My Birthday Party173 幽默輕博客174 Unit 9 便條 芒果家族總動員175 芒果聰聰來示范175 芒果明明巧串段176 芒果作文金鑰匙176 牛刀小試初體驗176 開動腦筋巧回答177 捕捉靈感我會寫177 自我評價177 佳作連連看178 A Message for Mary178 Making an Apology179 I Can’’t Keep the Appointment181 A Note to the Landlady182 A Message for Asking to Do Voluntary Work183 Asking a Friend to Visit the Chinese Art Exhibition184 Inviting a Friend to the Annual English Evening186 A Message for the Boss187 A Telephone Message188 A Message for a Customer189 A Message for a Son190 A Message for an Outing191 Inviting a Friend to a Birthday Party192 Asking for Leave193 A Message for Returning a Book194 Asking for Leave195 幽默輕博客196 part 5話題作文 Unit 10 吋事焦點 芒果家族總動員198 芒果聰聰來示范198 芒果明明巧串段199 芒果作文金鑰匙199 牛刀小試初體驗199 開動腦筋巧回答 200 捕捉靈感我會寫 200 自我評價200 佳作連連看200 The Ways to Keep Healthy201 How to Read English Articles Better202 Liu Wei,s Spirit203 Thanks for Your Help204 Low—Carbon Life205 Helping Others207 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping 208 Less Pressure Makes Life Better209 It’’s Important to Study Geography at School210 My Unforgettable Middle School Life211 E—Books Are Good213 I Love Beijing214 Hold on to Your Dreams215 Sports217 Studying Abroad218 Pets 219 Is Money Everything?221 Playing Computer Games a Lot Is Harmful222 TV Programmes224 Public Rules225 My Happiness226 Is a Training Class or Family Teacher Necessary?228 Reading Is My Favourite229 Whether Parents Are Our Best Teachers or Not231 My Lifestyle232 The Development of the Private Cars233 I Like the Internet234 My Future235 The Yellow Mountain237 Housework238 Failure Is Not Always a Bad Thing239 Love or Harm240 Making Proper Use of Time242 Keep Away From Net Bars243 Water245 Fighting Against Pollution246 Protecting the Forests247 默輕博客248
