Hatha Yoga for Teachers and Practicioners: A Comprehensive Guide to Holistic Sequencing | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Hatha Yoga for Teachers and Practicioners: A Comprehensive Guide to Holistic Sequencing

作者:Jain, Ram,Hauswirth-Jain, Kalyani

Ram Jain Ram is Founding Director of the Arhanta Yoga Ashrams (India and The Netherlands). Within the last 10 years, the Arhanta Yoga Ashrams have become renowned internationally for their professional yoga teacher training courses, and have up to present trained over 1,500 yoga teachers from all over the world. Born in New Delhi, India, in a traditional and spiritual family, his yoga and Vedic philosophy education started at the age of eight years as a part of his primary school education. He has in-depth knowledge of classical Hatha Yoga and is also well versed in ancient Indian scriptures. During his 19 years of teaching career, he has worked with various anatomy and physiology experts and has developed unique teaching, adjustment, and modification techniques. Presently, he is the lead teacher for various teacher training programs, ranging from Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, to Meditation and Yoga Nidra. He teaches for several months a year in India and the rest of the year in the Netherlands, where he also lives with his wife and two children. Kalyani Hauswirth-Jain Kalyani was born and raised in Switzerland. Since early adolescence she has been fascinated by art, bodywork, the body-mind connection, and alternative therapies. Following her strong inclination for art and physical expression she emigrated to the Netherlands at the age of 19 to study Modern Dance. Soon after she was exposed to the teachings and practice of yoga and was immediately mesmerized. The mother of two children now, she has been teaching yoga for 10 years, training yoga teachers for more than six years at the Arhanta Yoga Ashrams in India and the Netherlands. Starting off with physical challenges, she transformed her body, mastering many advanced asanas with her regular practice and discipline. By following a diligent self-practice, working with many different teachers, styles, and techniques, she gained a profound understanding of physiology and movement techniques. This, in combination with her extensive teaching experience, gave her an understanding of the importance of structure and sequencing for a holistic yoga asana practice.
