Tantra Kriya Yoga: The Dance of Lightning | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Tantra Kriya Yoga: The Dance of Lightning

作者:Martinez, Saul/ Williams, Ana H. (TRN)

Tantra Kriya Yoga, the dance of lightning, is a major new contribution to the study of Yoga and Tantra. In this scholarly work, intended for those with a good prior knowledge of Yoga and anatomy, Saul Martinez, an internationally known expert on these subjects, shares his vast knowledge, explaining in detail each of the eight steps of Astanga Yoga described by Patanajali and those of the Tantra Kaula. He guides the reader through a series of practical exercises, encouraging them to try these disciplines for themselves although, as he explains, some aspects of the Tantra Kaula are secret and transmitted orally, from master to initiated disciple. Intended as a rigorous study for the use of committed teachers and students, this text is based on the practical experiences of the author and covers a wide variety of themes: anatomical and physiotherapeutic concepts applied to Hatha Yoga; Pranayama, the Vayus and Nadis; Prathyadhara and Nidra Yoga; Dharana or contemplative concentration; the Chakras; Dhyana, meditation and Samadhi. It goes on to explain the nature and practice of the Tantric Sadhana. This includes the Tantric Kriyas of Kundalini; Mantras; Yantras; Mudras and Bandhas, as well as a description of Kurlanava Tantra; the sacred sexual rite of Maithuna and the Chakra Puja. In transforming our inner energy by these methods, we may achieve the state of "emptiness" which all initiated practitioners of Yoga and Tantra seek. This important work is essential reading for scholars of Tantra Yoga and Vedanta, present and future teachers and monitors of Yoga and practitioners hoping to obtain the maximum physical, psychological and spiritual benefit from their practice.

Dr. Saul Martinez Saul Martinez has practiced Yoga for over fifty-four years, since he was 6 years old. He has been a disciple of the following masters: Antonio Blay Fontcuberta; Swami Muktananda; Swami Kuti Ram; Lama Tabeky Rimpoche; Lama Jongkung; Kontrul Rimpoche y Boka Tulku Rimpoche. He has a degree in philosophy and literature, specializing in educational psychology (Universidad Central de Barcelona) and a degree in traditional Chinese medicine (University of Beijing y Yunan). He has studied the Tomatis Therapeutic Method (Paris); naturopathy (Univ. Reina Ma Cristina del Escorial, Madrid); global postural re-education with Felipe Suchard and Painting and History of art, (Escuela Massana, Barcelona). Dr. Martinez is currently the Director of the Centre of Yoga and Alternative Techniques, Girona, Spain and was President of the International Yoga Teachers´ Association (IYTA), in this country, for four years. He offers courses on all aspects of Yoga, throughout the world, as well as training Yoga teachers, as a member of the Spanish Federation of Yoga Teachers (Federacion Espanola de Formadores de Profesores de Yoga). He has recently been appointed to the Tribunal for the Evaluation and Qualification of Yoga Teachers, in Catalunya, Spain. He is also the President of the Ashmita Association for Yoga Teachers (Spain), linked to the Yoga School of the University of Benares, India.
