Kriya Yoga for Everyone: Explanations & Techniques | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Kriya Yoga for Everyone: Explanations & Techniques

作者:The Master’s Pen

The 5 Phases of The Kriya Yoga Tradition comprises the complete text and contains all of the major necessary concentration-meditation techniques and advanced philosophy of life and sciences needed to guide the practitioner to divine revelations, consorting with the greatest of masters to bring about total transformation to bliss, samadhi, and conviction that you are the whole universe and all it contains. As stated in scriptures, "Be still and know that I am God." You will have awareness of manipulating the breath up and down the spine in the sushumna and mentally touching and activating the physic centers or chakras located along the spine. The breath is the key instrument that is both voluntary and involuntary. This manipulation and visualization of breaths, called pranayama, raises the kundalini from the root chakra to the crown chakra and eventually brings on divine transformation of each and every cell in the body. This practice is scientific as well as spiritual.
