Inspiring Ancient Yoga Teaching: Inspirational and Motivational Words of Wisdom | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Inspiring Ancient Yoga Teaching: Inspirational and Motivational Words of Wisdom

作者:Harford, Vincent G.

This book contains some fifty remarkable stories or lessons that are truly inspiring. Many have a little humour thrown in. Each of the pieces will lift your heart and help you to view many everyday situations in a different light. These pearls of wisdom act as a key to opening your mind to a totally new way of viewing life. So if you would like more pep in your step and a clear head when you wake up every morning, this is the book for you. Is there a part in us that we should just trust? Can we take direction from the source? Is there a way to begin to realize what is within? Can this keep us on the right course? It is really essential to realise our potential, It is then that all the rules change. This is the understanding that would cease all demanding And our destiny it will arrange It has often been said that sometimes we live our life like headless chickens, filling our lives with the wrong tasks, the wrong job and the wrong relationships etc. Many of us spend our lives making choices and decisions that are based on guesswork, with no real direction or guidance in them. However, if you were to start making decisions based on wisdom - the essence of this book - would you then have an extraordinary life? In this way, issues such as fulfilment, joy, appreciation, health, happiness and a sense of achievement are likely to dominate and fill your life so there would be no space left for doubt, self-pity or blaming others for your troubles In life many people can end up a square peg in a round hole but for those among us who seek to improve or those who would love to ponder the mystery of life then the mystical stories will be an Aladdin's cave for you. Even their titles, such as True Grit, Use Your Instruction Manual, The Imposters, What Direction is Your Life Going? and It's Never My Fault, will fire up your brain cells. Written in verse, these are inspiring pieces of wisdom that you can refer to over and over again for motivation, inspiration and direction. This book is compulsive reading for all those who want to change or improve their life.

My interest in yoga and yoga philosophy began when I read a book on ESP (extra sensory perception). I was nineteen years old. Part of the book mentioned these so called yoga masters who it was said could perform extraordinary feats far outside the limitations of a normal man. For example some were able to be immersed in water for up to two hours without breathing. Then there were those who, similar to the wizards of old, could see into the future and had an understanding and a huge appreciation of life, the real destiny and purpose of mankind. This fascination started me on a path that today, forty years later, is even stronger and has resulted in the publication of this book. In the late 1990s, when I was forty-eight, I started to develop a health issue. It continued to get worse for the following five or six years and was finally diagnosed as Parkinson’s disease. During the next two years my condition deteriorated to the extent that I finally could not cope in work and had to take early retirement. Primarily this ailment slurred my speech, making it very difficult to communicate, and my physical movements slowed down enormously. Retirement meant that I had time to research this disease. I also attended medical experts, healers and nutritionists and continue to do so to this day. Through major adjustments in my diet, medication and healing therapy I have improved a lot and perhaps, with a little bit of luck, I can continue to improve and one day even make a full recovery. Being out of a job I began writing. This began with a small urge that developed over the following two months to the extent that I felt compelled to write. I would commence each session without any topic, just a blank sheet. I’d turn down the light and once I had relaxed, the words would begin appearing in my mind. I would only be aware of the few words I was dealing with at each moment. When Lorraine read it back to me after the session, I would be amazed that it was a complete story, usually in verse. This book contains only a sample of the transcribing - there are many more pieces on an array of topics and in various styles, including riddles, Zen, tongue twisters, rap, the legal system, education and prayer. They are all very informative and inspirational. Many people have asked me about the source of my material but this is a whole story unto itself. But I believe it would make very interesting reading so perhaps I will write a book on this some day.
