遊走荒謬 | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年10月














  2012 鶯歌陶博館國際雙年大展《小象的冒險旅程》展場主視覺/繪本設計/聽繪本玩創作講師
  2012 北京「我能給的天亮」王錚亮演唱會舞台情境插畫設計
  2013 蘭陽博物館中日交流白金傳奇鰻魚特展《小鰻魚來了》展場主視覺/繪本/聽繪本玩創作講師
  2014 電影「他媽媽的藏寶圖」場景插畫設計
  2014 宜蘭文化局 羅東文化工場插畫課講師
  2014 宜蘭國際藝術節「跳跳村創作繪本館」參展藝術家推廣課程

  魚可國際顧問 等私人收藏

  2011繪本〈 放假囉!〉獲國家出版獎

  I was graduated from Taipei Hwa Kang Arts School ,Taiwan ,in 1990, spent the first 15 years focusing on watercolor. During this time, I work with some well-known artists, also learning Chinese Ink Art, oil painting and design. I spent the latter 15 years in illustration art.
  Growing from my core ability, now combining visual, spatial, music, animation, film, and products. I wish to expand my work horizon to a new level. In the past, I also had quite a few custom order arts requests.

  2012 Picture book ‘Little Elephant Adventure ‘ and main visual for Taiwan Ceramics Biennale Ceramic Vision’ in Yingge Ceramic Museum In New Taipei City
  2012 Beijing concert ’Reno Wang’ scene main visual
  2013 Picture book ‘Coming the Young Eels!’ and main visual for ‘Platinum Legend Eel Expo ’ in Lanyang Museum
  2014 Works ’Absurd’ for Film’ The Map of DNA’ film’s scene illustration design
  2014 Yilan County Cultural Affairs Luodong Culture Working House Illustration Instructor
  2014 Yilan International Festival 'Hopping Village Picture Book Museum' Artists

  International Youth Library München, Germany
  Ho Huan Drama Society
  Cheng Po Arts and Culture Co. Ltd
  WeConquer International Consultants Co, Ltd
  Liang Ping Post Maternity Care Center
  Private collections







  成為羅方君小姐的美國市場經記人是我的榮幸,她的畫吸引我以及美國客戶的特質不單只是純熟的水彩技術,其插畫內容的深度和溫度更令人印像深刻。方君關心時事,常以多元的社會現象為創作主題,以繪畫為媒介犀利地呈現她對周遭環境的探索及關懷,讓藝術和生活連結。她的畫冊擁有振奮人心的能量,值得收藏,細細品味。 -Nina Edwards

  I am honored to be Miss Florence Lo's illustration agent in the U.S. market. Her illustrations appeal to me and her American clients not only because of her skillful watercolor technique, but because of the depth and warmth of the content. Florence cares about current affairs, often employing diverse social phenomena as her creative themes. She then uses watercolor to render and explore her surroundings, intertwining art and life. Her art album carries an exciting energy: it is worth savoring again and again. -Nina Edwards Illustrator, Graphic Designer, Artist Agent, and Art instructor Metropolitan Miss Design Studio

Metropolitan Miss Design Studio/
Nina Edwards



  I have known Florence Lo for 20 years, since we were students. She has studied with renowned teachers since she was young. Her talent in drawing emerged when she was a student, a talent that seemed both robust and mysterious. Florence is someone who dares to pursue her own interests and dreams, and chose a different path than her classmates after graduation. The one thing that has remained constant is her sincerity towards herself and her friends.




  Every time Florence has transformed, or reached a turning point in her life, she has appeared to hibernate in order to transform, reaching her decision after preparing and conserving a lot of life energy. Whether she is engaged in displaying her distinctive drawing style through hand-drawing childrenís picture books or engaged in the sections and vein patterns of her current re-transformation ñ the Walking Absurd artwork series ñ one can sense and explore the different forms of life energy. Her current form expresses her observations towards society and the environment, as well as the mentality characterized by metropolitan women who face family issues, demands and so on. The observations and expressions behind this from further emphasize her resonance and dialogue with different societal groups.


  Picture book art is a well-known area. The direct form of communication achieved via large volumes of drawings, together with the medium of printed text, gives readers a richer interface experience, enabling picture books to cut across age groups and chart a brand new path. The development of picture book artistsí in contemporary art cannot be easily divided into single units or individual topics. Graphic art must also consider the interactive relationship of motion; therefore, the development of picture books is very naturally linked to film. Picture books today have already recognized the relationship readers have with the messages that they read; therefore, they have developed from single drawings to continuous text forms and even from linear to non-linear styles. This has also forced picture book artists to have a concrete understanding of film texts. Florence fills her picture books with many collages, reproductions, scene styles and even multiple text styles, also creating a distinct tension in her picture books.


  In terms of watercolor media, Taiwan is situated in the subtropics. In contrast to the colder countries of higher altitudes, Taiwanís subtropical regional style is expressed through Florenceís use of lush and bright colors, which focuses on magnificent colors with the strong and colorful feeling of sunlight. In terms of her creative style, Florenceís bright and magnificent color style combined with her unique works of collages, reproductions, and film text, as well as her observations and characterizations of metropolitan women issues, result in a very different modern style for Florenceís works. It has a special resonance and attraction towards different societal groups, stimulating the imagination of readers with its magnetic attraction. I too, look forward to Florenceís next transformation.

Frankie Fan
xXtraLab Design CO.General Manager



  It is my great pleasure to write an introduction Florence Lo’s first solo exhibition: Walking Absurd 遊走荒謬. She tells me that the past few years has been an adventure for her.


  I remember when I met Florence for the first time. She gave me a card featuring her illustration: a little girl holding a paint brush climbing to the top of tree. I was captivated by the fairytale style on the card but had no idea about the story behind it. As I grew more acquainted with Florence over time, I gradually realized that both her art and her life have many intriguing stories behind them.


  Florence has a humble past. While growing up, she encountered many difficulties with her school, family, and career. Many events conspired in her life to ultimately suspend her career for over a decade; she was finally able to start over three years ago. She felt lonely and helpless when she finally resumed her career, and initially she saw few gains for many pains. Moreover, Florence often had to be agent, curator, and artist, which presented a big challenge to her. However, Florence's persistence and devotion are not just obstinance, as others might think, but a process for self-fulfillment. As in Florence’s artwork “Glimmer微光”, after the dust is wiped off comes brilliance. I see a spirit in her that time has tempered. It leads her to choose her own way, explore her true self, and discover the essence in the darkness of life.


  Fortunately, once Florence decided to apply her talents completely, she felt destined to venture into the art world. And she is not alone; she is accompanied by her dreams and soul. Therefore, Florence was not alone when creating these pieces because her works opened dialogues with people. She communicated with architecture, history, and culture through her works in a humanistic way. She integrated her art into a conversation among space, movies, music, crafts, merchandises, multimedia, and commercial performance. Through her illustrated books, workshops, and lectures, she even opened a conversation with children.


  As a major milestone for Florence, this solo exhibition presents the best of her recent work. Her sophisticated drawing skills mixed with postmodernism, abstract and Japanese ukiyo-e styles make a virtual world of illusion and persona. Through these works, she tries to outline a reflection on individuals and a critique on groups. Florence made best efforts to every single piece with full pleasant flavor to savor, and there is always a pleasant surprise if one views it again and examines the details. Praiseworthy, her hardworking virtue attracts many masters from the movies, music, and design industries to participate, all of which makes this an exhibition to look forward to.

  最後,我期待羅羅未來能有更多的作品問世,在這個虛幻的世界裡,透過藝術本質的創作,為給人們帶來更多真實的探險。我想借用動畫家華特迪士尼的話,與羅羅共勉之 :「繼續前進,打開新的門,嘗試新的事物,好奇心永遠會指引我們新的道路。 」

  Lastly, I look forward to Florence’s work in the near future, which will lead people to more real adventures through the essence of her art in the unreal world we live in. I would like to share the words from Walt Disney with her: “We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious...and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

Woody Wang
China University of Technology Department of Digital Multimedia Design,Lecturer


  很多時候, 看似安穩平凡的的生活 ,其實背後潛藏了很多暗流, 因為大家對「改變」這件事常持著莫名的恐懼感,所以寧願戴著面具繼續過原來的日子、 選擇漠視心裡真正的聲音 。然而, 壓抑, 只是讓內在的反彈更大罷了。

  整個社會彷彿是一座大的時間工廠,人們在自己的崗位上努力過日子, 因為科技的發展進步讓生活更便利了, 人與人之間似乎溝通有無 ,但即便肩並肩在擁擠的車廂裡, 疏離感便成為那空間一種既定的氛圍。 物質條件提升了, 但心靈層面卻低落。 也許是無奈、 無力,或無感,也已經忘卻了曾經在生命中一些無數平凡的小感動、 所串連起一個美好經驗的珍珠項鍊。

  大從社會、 小至家庭到個人, 如何和群體互動?如何和心理對話?甚至是生存的環境?這些問題都各個存在相對應的關係中。 此次以「遊走荒謬」為主軸,,探討人與人之間的各面向,親情、愛情、夫妻和女性等在現代存在的位置。「空白」、「斷層」對一個生命體來說才是令人害怕的事, 選擇默視?選擇勇敢的站出來?似乎是一件麻木現代人的生活下,值得思考的問題。

< Behind The Scenes of Making The Lunatics Art >

  What seems to be a stable and quiet lifestyle is camouflaged by an extreme dangerous rip current. Since many people have this unknown fear to 'change', we'd rather not rocking the boat but to stay on our own destructive course. We often choose to ignore the calling to develop and grow, until it is too late...

  As I see it, we all live inside a giant time machine, each of us mans our own little station. Technology advances our lifestyle, but does little to improve our interpersonal communication. We pass by each other inside this crowded machine everyday, and a cold alienation feeling frequently looms in the air. The more material stuff we own, the less we have in our souls. Can you still remember once upon a time our childhood experience of excitement and wonder strings into a shining pretty pearl necklace?

  So how do we start this group interaction with another individual? another family? with our neighbors? How do you talk heart to heart with someone? How do you cope with certain stages in life? These questions are all echoed throughout this Lunatics illustration art. You will find topics on personal relationships, family, romance, couples, and feminism in modern society. The fear itself exists in the feeling of being alone, having a blank in relationships. Do you choose to ignore this fear? Or be brave standing forward to make a change?

1. 一輩子為他人畫了很多面具也為自己戴了很多面具當面具拿下之後是否還可以辨別自己的容顏?<面具>Over the years,I painted numerous masks for art,And wore many of them myself.However, could I still recognize what’s underneath once I removed these masks?  2.曾經埋首在腳底下的那塊陰影卻忘了抬頭仰望日月星辰和廣大無垠的天際也許為了失落的一角為了一段段浮光掠影的美麗再次昂首闊步勇敢前進<昂首闊步> 2012 Focusing too much on your own shadow,Then you’re missing the twinkling evening stars.Not letting the darkness to trap you in a corner,But using it as a canvas to paint the silver moonlight!Head up, chest out,Taking a deep breath and marching on with pride! 2012 3.荒謬的人 擁擠的世界 偏偏在同一條陌路上<擁擠> 2012In this overcrowded place,a mob of lunatics living as strangers traveling on the same road. 2012 4.看不見藍天 聽不到風聲 也聞不到田野香 腳底下踩的 空了 徒留漂游的國境-----<漂游國境> 2013I can see no sky,smell no land,hear no wind,and keep stepping into holes...Drifting from places to places. 2013 Water color, Acrylic, Color Pencil 5.沉默是時間的外衣 就是這麼緊緊地裹住它 隱身在角落 幾乎被淡忘 慢慢地拂塵 看到微微的光 -----------<微光>2K 水彩 粉彩色鉛 壓克力顏料Rest comes with time.Even being left on the shelf for ages,and almost was forgotten.But slowly one day,it will see the light!
