Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony: Personal Health and Global Blessing | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony: Personal Health and Global Blessing

作者:Goldstein, Jeffrey

Welcome to the "World of the Energy Ball" Create Peaceful vibrations within yourself and your environment anytime using the Life Energy that flows through your hands. This guidebook was born from the author's experiences conducting Energy Ball for Peace Ceremonies in Israel and Palestine over the past 20+ years. As a member of peace activities, he realized that there was a genuine need for groups of participants to join together in meaningful experiences. Knowing that the Energy Ball brings on a peaceful atmosphere, the author demonstrated to individuals and groups how to form the Energy Ball and merge together as a team. This grew into several types of Energy Circles based on peaceful, healing, and dancing energy. To form an Energy Ball, you contain Life Energy between your hands. When the hands are held close to one another, they compact the Life Energy flowing from them. After a few moments, the Life Energy intensifies, and you can feel it in your hands as sensations. This focused energy is what is called the "Energy Ball". The Energy Ball circulates the flow of Life Energy running through your body. When combined with creative positive attitudes, thoughts and actions the Energy Ball becomes magical and practical Your physical and emotional responses to forming an Energy Ball vary depending on your circumstances, needs, and the number of people participating. Energy Ball formation can be very relaxing, helping those participating to calm down; and at other times very energizing. Responses depend on the participant's hand position and intention. The Collective Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony invites individuals to blend together as a radiant Peace Team. The Ceremony is usually done sitting or standing in a circle so that participants can see one another. There is a leader who guides the participants into a collective team. The goal is to consciously merge and harmonize, providing exponential amounts of light. This collective energy is then sent out in Blessing to humanity and Planet Earth. The Energy Ball compliments all Healing modalities such as allopathic and alternative medicine, sound healing, psychological treatments, body - mind- emotional therapies, physical exercise programs, yoga, nature healing, stress and anger management therapies and so much more. It is excellent for group bonding activities: social, religious, educational, as it brings people together for a unique, stimulating, interesting, alternative activity. It is also great way for office workers to quickly recharge themselves and come together as a team.

Jeffrey Goldstein grew up in Massapequa, Long Island, New York and since 1993 lives in Jerusalem, Israel. He is an Alternative Trauma Therapist, Spiritual Guide and a Healing Assistant, using the methods of Attunement, Somatic Experiencing(R), and Spiritual Guidance. He is a leader in the Spiritual Peace Movement, where he developed the Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony. Jeffrey began his spiritual journey early in Life through connection with nature and the invisible mystical world. After an enjoyable search, Jeff learned Attunement in 1974. This started a Lifelong adventure into the vast world of Spiritual Light Energy. For 13 years he voluntarily organized and coordinated a yearly Spiritual Peace gathering in the Jerusalem forest, called "Jerusalem Celebration of Light." These gatherings attracted between 500-1,500 people each year. They came from various religious and ethnic groups throughout Israel, Palestine and the rest of the world. The theme focused on filling Jerusalem with Light and Peace. These gatherings helped to promote Spiritual Peace activities in the region, keeping the belief and hope in Peace alive and vibrant! In recent years, his private practice takes him around Israel, Palestine, Switzerland and the USA, and he enjoys being a Mystical Guide around Jerusalem and Israel.
