El águila y la rosa / The Eagle and The Rose | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

El águila y la rosa / The Eagle and The Rose

作者:Altea, Rosemary

El cl sico que nos ense a que, m s all de la vida cotidiana, hay otro plano de la existencia: un mundo de bondad infinita. Cuando su marido la abandon , Rosemary Altea se dio cuenta de que el miedo hab a sido su compa ero desde la cuna. Miedo a un padre con la severidad propia del militar y a una madre incapaz de mostrar ternura; miedo a los rostros y las voces que poblaban las noches de su ni ez, a las extra as percepciones que la estremec an, a todo cuanto la acercara a su abuela Eliza. No fue f cil para ella aceptar que pose a un don para comunicarse con los esp ritus. En ese misterioso mundo, Rosemary halla a guila Gris, gu a espiritual, compa ero inquebrantable y mentor que, a trav s de ella, con palabras cargadas de luz, nos revela la naturaleza de los ngeles guardianes, la vida despu s de la muerte y el amor que lo impregna todo. Un libro inspirador y trascendental. Brian Weiss" ENGLISH DESCRIPTION "In The Eagle and The Rose, Rosemary Altea tells the remarkable story of awakening to her psychic gifts as a medium and healer. As simple and honest as the story is remarkable, The Eagle and The Rose describes how Rosemary Altea is chosen to be the voice of the spirit world how she is taken under the wing of a Native American spirit guide named Grey Eagle and taught to use her astonishing power to heal, go astral-travelling, and perform soul rescue. Grey Eagle calls Rosemary "his Rose" as he helps nurture her gift. In the casebook section of The Eagle and The Roseare 10 stories of astonishing impact - how a woman decapitated in a train wreck relives her traumatic death in Rosemary Altea's body in order to adjust to life in the hereafter; how a tragic boating accident is predicted months before the fact by Rosemary Altea on a live radio show; how a dead child convinces his mother that he is safe with relatives on the spirit plane. Behind all these moving communications is Grey Eagle, Rosemary's mentor, constant companion, and friend. His spirit pervades this book as he focuses the spotlight on an important teaching: Life may continue after death, but how we behave on the Earth Plane does count. Grey Eagle elevates the message in this book to a transcendent level. He says, "We are all souls and must treat each other with kindness." We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."
