Bear Island | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Bear Island

作者:Cordell, Matthew

馬修.科戴爾(Matthew Cordell)最新暖心力作
  「這是個發生在自然界詩意優美的故事。在小女孩處理自己的情緒並意識到結局始於起點時,就帶有魔幻般的現實感。」― 美國圖書館月刊School Library Journal
  「本書不疾不徐地陳述悲傷復原過程。作者的繪圖與文字共同承載著優雅、節制和真心。」 ―美國出版業新聞周刊Publishers Weekly
  「對小讀者陳述悲傷尤其困難,作者睿智地避免了與這種情緒相關的陳詞濫調,而只是展示自然和時間的治癒能力。」 ― Booklist是美國圖書館協會的出版物
  「提供年輕讀者喪親時談話的切入點。本書裡關於失去親人、適應生活的描述充滿同理心與耐心。」― 兒童文學最新文獻評論雜誌Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books

  Louise and her family are sad over the loss of their beloved dog, Charlie. "Life will not be the same," Louise says, as she visits a little island that Charlie loved.


  But on a visit to the island after Charlie's death, something strange happens: She meets a bear. At first, she's afraid, but soon she realizes that the bear is sad, too. As Louise visits more often, she realizes that getting over loss takes time. And just when she starts to feel better, it's time for Bear to bed down for the winter.


  Once again, Louise believes that life will not be the same. But sometimes, things can change for the better, and on the first warm day of spring, her family welcomes a new member. Here is a lovely, poignant story about loss and healing that will bring comfort to even the youngest readers.



  "In a story that respects grief’s slow pace, Cordell’s writing and artwork together carry grace, economy, and heart." ―Publishers Weekly, starred review


  "Grief can be particularly difficult to address with young children, and Cordell wisely eschews the platitudes often associated with this emotion, choosing instead to demonstrate the healing powers of nature and time."―Booklist


  "Provides youngsters with a talking point for their feelings about bereavement, and the depiction of a summer of adjustment to life without the loved one is sympathetic and patient. (Recommended.) ―Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books


  Praise for Wolf in the Snow:


  Winner of the 2018 Caldecott Medal

  A National Public Radio Best Book of 2017

  A Horn Book Magazine Best Book of 2017

  A School Library Journal Best Book of 2017

  A Kirkus Reviews Best Book of 2017

  A Boston Globe Best Book of 2017

  A Huffington Post Best Book of 2017


  "Cozy vignettes, framed in rough circles, help reassure readers that the story will end well, and so does a tender opening portrait of the family. The girl's story is a hero's journey, and Cordell tells it with skill and heart."--Publishers Weekly, starred review


  "This nearly wordless picture book is a tender, never precious story of kindness and cooperation. Expect this wintry tale to bring only warmth."--Booklist, starred review


  ""Cordell’s landscapes do a wonderful job showing the vastness and desperation of the girl’s journey, his blended watercolors of the snow and trees adding eloquence to the experience. A heartwarming adventure about helping others, best shared one-on-one to pore over the engaging images."--School Library Journal,starred review


  "Beautifully paced....ultimately reassuring."--Wall Street Journal

  馬修.科戴爾(Matthew Cordell)曾以Wolf in the Snow《雪中遇見狼》榮獲美國「凱迪克獎」金牌獎。其他作品包括Special Delivery《神奇快遞》、Follow That Frog!、Another Brother、Explorers等。他目前與小說家妻子Julie Halpern和兩個孩子一起住在芝加哥郊區。
Matthew Cordell is the author and illustrator of many books for children, including Wolf in the Snow, winner of the 2018 Caldecott Medal. He lives in suburban Chicago, with his wife, author Julie Halpern, and their two children.
