Isha Clearing Chasms | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Isha Clearing Chasms

作者:Preble, Mike J.

"Use spare words." "I look at the shape of my hand and I know what I'm playing." Ishaan and Papa Stan For parents, family members, caregivers, relatives and friends: One of the most important components of proper learning is finding ample and frequent opportunities to analyze and discuss ideas and options. Most children grow up hearing, "Because I said so," as the reason (actually excuse) for taking or not taking a course of action. This picture book of near attempts to cross a chasm offer opportunities to discuss the possibilities for achievement (and/or failure.) Certainly an element of safety must be regarded, such as, "Don't try this yourself, you might get seriously injured." The kitchen table is a great "Science Center" for various experiments for getting a thing to cross a chasm. The main construction materials and tools for children are cardboard boxes (cereal, ) scissors, tape and a stapler.

Mike J. Preble is a husband (Ann) a father of three wonderful children (2 girls and 1 boy) a dog owner (actually a dog babysitter) and a cat owner (more babysitting, a writer, an educator, a carpenter and a piano player (more like piano practicer.) Mike is a life-long learner who is especially interested in creativity and how the mind works.
