Preserving Brain Health in a Toxic Age: New Insights from Neuroscience, Integrative Medicine, and Public Health | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年6月

Preserving Brain Health in a Toxic Age: New Insights from Neuroscience, Integrative Medicine, and Public Health

作者:Eiser, Arnold R.

Arnold R. Eiser, MD, is currently a Master of the American College of Physicians (MACP), an Adjunct Senior Fellow of the Leonard Davis Institute, Adjunct Fellow of the Center for Public Health Initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Emeritus of Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine. Formally trained in internal medicine and nephrology, he has served in leadership positions in medical schools in New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia, where he published articles in peer-reviewed journals and was named as one of the Best Doctors for his clinical expertise in each city. He serves as a reviewer for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Journal, Neurotoxicology, Neurochemistry International, Annals of Internal Medicine, and the American Journal of Medicine. He is the author of The Ethos of Medicine in Postmodern America: Philosophical, Cultural and Social Considerations (Lexington Books, 2014).
