Siddhanath Surya Yoga (Basic): Pranic Healing With Solar Power | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Siddhanath Surya Yoga (Basic): Pranic Healing With Solar Power

作者:Siddhanath, Yogiraj

All along Yogiraj Siddhanath's yogic journey, as years passed by, he practiced and moved into techniques that were most natural to him. With the grace of Babaji he developed a dynamic process of healing oneself and others. He called it Otprot-Surya meaning, "osmotic solar healing" and evolved the system of Surya Yoga, the science of pranic-healing with solar power. Prana is described in the Indian yogic texts and treatises as "the breath of life" or "life force energy"; a subtle element or entity underlying the fabric of all of creation, animating sentient beings with consciousness and life. It is the vibratory power that sustains us throughout our cycles of reincarnation, imparting life to all the different bodies we incarnate in. It is our soul potential, expressed in the human being as one's individual vitality. Knowledge of this majestic undercurrent and the science of channeling its awesome power, for pranic-healing and advancement along the evolutionary path to enlightenment, is the most cherished undertaking, unlocking the inner mysteries of soul and Divinity. Prana is "life" and pranayama is the yogic extension or control of the living impulse animating every atom of our universe. Prana is conveyed to our planet from the light of the sun and congealed in material form. Thus, for our planetary system, the sun is the source of prana. Likewise, in the course of pranic-healing, prana may be most effectively availed of through the rays of our sun since the highest concentrations of prana are found in sunlight. Prana is the life of oxygen, however this life-force is something more subtle than oxygen. Just as photosynthesis occurs in plants, a bioluminescence occurs in our bodies through the focused absorption of sunlight whereby we inhale and ingest the salubrious rays of the sun through the medulla oblongata called "the Mouth of God," and the third eye of Shiva, thereby rejuvenating ourselves. Like a conductor of this spiritual and healing impulse, pranic-healing through solar power is the dynamic process of tuning one's body to absorb the life energy of the sun. By its very nature, this evolutionary science deals with nature itself, delving into the roots of who we are and what we are made of, beginning with the source of energy from which life as we know it evolved, the sun. The life of every living creature on our planet is ultimately dependent on the sun. It is the primary source of nourishment, responsible for life itself. Similarly, it is our lineage to the divine source of knowledge via the cosmic entity of prana. This is the universal life force that awakens us and evolves us to our divine indweller. The technique of pranic-healing connects the solar heart of the individual and the giver of this life-energy for our planet, the sun. This is the spiritual absorption of pranic healing-light through the act of submerging oneself in the cosmic current that sustains the whole of creation. The body becomes sponge-like, tuned to facilitate the absorption of prana, as the total organism inhales and imbibes the healing light of the sun through the skin, lungs, and vital centers (chakras) of the subtle body. From the astral body, the entire network of subtle nerves (nadis) and physical nerves are fed with the luminosity of pranic light.

Yogiraj Siddhanath a born Siddha is descended from the ancient family of Rama of the Solar Dynasty. Spiritually realized from a very young age, he cast away his royal ties after completing his educational responsibilities and fulfilled his calling as a yogi. While traveling as a teenager in the Himalayas, Yogiraj was blessed and empowered by the spiritual supermen of the Himalayan caves. His divine transformation flowered after his deep and personal experiences with Mahavatar (Supreme Spirit Incarnate) Shiva-Goraksha-Babaji (the same mentioned by Paramahansa Yogananda in his "Autobiography of a Yogi"). With these blessings he was charged with the duty to spread the teachings of "Earth peace through Self peace" and spiritual evolution of Consciousness through the divine science of Kundalini Kriya Yoga meditation. For over 45 years, Yogiraj has healed and transformed millions all over the world with his transmissions of kundalini shakti energy and has shared freely his own Samadhi (enlightened state) of peaceful bliss-consciousness. Yogiraj has taught yoga and spirituality to world leaders and has given experiential discourse before the United Nations, yet he prefers nothing more than to sit in the simple pristine forests and mountains and meditate on God in tranquility. Yogiraj is a TRUE MASTER who, unlike a teacher, awakens you to the next level of spiritual experience.
