Edges & Fray: On Language, Presence, and (Invisible) Animal Architectures | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Edges & Fray: On Language, Presence, and (Invisible) Animal Architectures

作者:Vogel, Danielle

not the format on the page writing is the retrievalof material ---- to produce a desired, shapeas open: archivingthe word architecturebuild within the space of thisthought . sound, shapedinto series becomessentence and series Edges & Fray is an embodied meditation that cultivates receptivity and deep listening to the ways we inhabit language and its ethereal resilience. Combining close observation of birds' nests and the writing process, Danielle Vogel brings the reader into communion with language as a mode of presence. Experimental and deeply grounded, its construction is intuitive and masterful, its many threads interwoven and intrinsically linked. This is a beautiful and inspiring book at the intersection of poetry, somatics, ecology, and divination.

Danielle Vogel is a cross-genre writer and visual artist. She is the author of Between Grammars and the artist book Narrative & Nest.
