Career As an Electrician: Electrical Contractor | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年9月

Career As an Electrician: Electrical Contractor

作者:Institute for Career Research (COR)

MOST PEOPLE TAKE ELECTRICITY FOR granted - at least until a storm knocks the power out. Playing Monopoly by candlelight instead of Minecraft on your Xbox is entertaining for a while, but it gets old fast when you are accustomed to flashy video games. If you stop and think about it, we are all very dependent on electricity. We all think of air conditioning, lights, and electronic gadgets as basic necessities. Without them, life would be cold, dark, and boring. Electricians are the people who keep us plugged into the conveniences of modern life. Most of us have heard of circuits, fuses, volts, and watts. Electricians actually know what they are and what to do with them. There are around 600,000 professionals in this field who know the ins and outs of designing, installing, and repairing electrical systems. They read blueprints, solve math problems, and make sure the electrical work is up to code. This is one of the few careers that requires only a high school diploma to enter a high paying field with a solid future. Most electricians start out as apprentices, getting paid on the job as they learn. It takes about four years to complete the training and qualify for whatever licensing the state requires. During that time, automatic pay raises come along as the trainee gains knowledge and experience. Most apprenticeships are offered by a union such as the National Electrical Contractors Association, but nonunion companies offer similar training programs to beginners. The job outlook for electricians is excellent. Analysts predict there will be around 225,000 new positions opening up over the coming decade. America is becoming more dependent than ever on consistent and reliable supplies of electricity. The area of alternative and renewable energy is expected to boom. Electricians who take additional classes to learn more about this fascinating new field will be in the best position to take advantage of new opportunities in green energy. If you enjoy working with your hands while exercising your brain, this career is worth a look. It offers exceptional job security, good pay and benefits, and a wide array of specialties that can satisfy just about any special interest you may want to pursue.
