Hiit Your Way to Fit | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Hiit Your Way to Fit

作者:Cole Ph. D., Lakeisha Jeanne

LaKeisha J. Cole, PhD, the author of Faith Changes the Outcome and a series of children’s books, is an inspirational, motivational author and speaker on mind, body, and spiritual healing. She is passionate about helping people pursue the life they were destined to live through encouragement and guidance from the power within all of us. Knowing that life is a journey and that there is growth and development for all, she desires to inspire others to be their best. This translates into understanding that there is a past, present, and future and encouraging all to forgive the past, adjust as necessary to live a better present, and create the future desired.Dr. Cole is an educator who holds educational degrees in public health epidemiology (doctorate), human nutrition (master’s), and complementary and alternative medicine (bachelor’s). She has taught in both graduate and undergraduate institutions of higher learning to assist students in their journeys to achieve their educational goals and dreams. She has also used her knowledge, skills, and abilities in her health and wellness consultation and other businesses to inspire and motivate people to live better, healthier, and more productive lives.
