
作者:Knapp, Andrew

Everyone's favorite hide-and-seek dog returns in this colorful, kid-friendly photography board book.Look for Momo hiding on a farm, in a bookstore, at a construction site, and in other unlikely loc...

作者:Knapp, Andrew

Andrew Knapp is a freelance interface designer, photographer, and tireless traveler from Northern Ontario. Along with his commercial photography and design work, he’s filmed a TEDx Talk, collaborat...

作者:Tachibana, Momo/ Uekura, Eku (CON)/ Trigger (COR)/ Yoshinari, Yoh

An original story based on the hit anime I'm Atsuko Kagari, but you can call me Akko It's been my lifelong dream to become. Awitch, and I came all the way from Japan to attend the prestigious Luna...

作者:Romero, Sarah Momo



  櫻桃某天當起代理媽媽,還多了兩名護花使者!?   某天,學校的兩大帥哥同時向櫻桃告白,面對這突如其來的狀況,櫻桃嚇到逃回家,沒想到家裡居然有個小寶寶!?而姊姊留了一張紙條上頭寫著「這孩子的名字名叫小桃,麻煩妳照顧她了。」…。萬般無奈的櫻桃就這樣當起了代理媽媽,然而照顧小孩沒那麼簡單,再加上小桃似乎被不明人士給盯上了!?


  *隨書附贈「我還是要飛──作家柏楊生命故事」VCD   新世代公民品格教育新運動   這本漫畫書串聯起不同世代、不同表達方式,幾個古靈精怪,卻精力旺盛的創作者──恰好是老到九十歲倒數計時,不改憤世嫉俗的原著者柏楊;中年,卻因才華多元,每一項都有無限發展空間的徐榮昌;小到除了自己的天地之外,凡事都會眯著眼、皺起眉頭思量半天的Momo。   二○○七年夏天,柏楊選中了六年級後段班的漫畫人Mo...

作者:Anderson, Airlie

