【問題】AgoyGecko warrior?推薦回答


  從二十世紀八○年代,到二十一世紀的身心靈時代,《深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底》這本超好看的半自傳體小說,一直緊緊抓住了全球數以百萬計的年輕人心靈。它的使命,是陪伴不同世代的青春生命,勇敢走上屬於自己的英雄成長旅程!   1966年之前,我一直被幸運之神眷顧,在安穩的環境中長大,在世界彈簧床錦標賽中拿到冠軍,周遊歐洲各國。可是這段生命歷程為我帶來受之無愧的讚賞,卻沒有為我的內心帶來永恆的寧靜。 ...

作者:Field, Ron

Ron Field is an internationally acknowledged expert on US military history. Awarded a Fulbright Scholarship in 1982, he taught History at Piedmont High School in California from 1982 to 1983, and w...

作者:Jordan, Robert

ROBERT JORDAN (1948-2007), was a native of Charleston, South Carolina. He taught himself to read at age four with the incidental aid of his older brother, and was tackling Mark Twain and Jules Vern...

作者:Matzen, Robert

Robert Matzen is the internationally bestselling author of Dutch Girl: Audrey Hepburn and World War II, Mission: Jimmy Stewart and the Fight for Europe, and six other books. He has appeared on bro...

作者:Clayton, Ed

Ed Clayton was a well-known editor, author, and reporter. He worked on special assignments for Life magazine and contributed articles to the Associated Press, United Press International, and the As...

作者:de Bretton-Gordon, Hamish

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon OBE (born 1963), is one of the world’s leading experts on chemical and biological counter-terrorism and warfare. During his 23 year career in the British Army, he served as...

作者:Stark, Emma,Stark, David,Biggart, Sarah-Jane

Emma Stark is an Irish prophet known around the world for her authority and authenticity. A fourth generation Bible teacher, she communicates with a rare clarity, humor, and Celtic boldness. Emma i...

作者:Searle, Sarah Winifred,Who Hq

Sarah Searle originally hails from spooky New England but currently lives in sunny Perth, Australia. She writes and draws comics, best known for vulnerable memoir and compassionate fiction. Her fir...

作者:Stark, Emma,Stark, David,Biggart, Sarah-Jane

Emma Stark is an Irish prophet known around the world for her authority and authenticity. A fourth generation Bible teacher, she communicates with a rare clarity, humor, and Celtic boldness. Emma i...

作者:Benas, Nick,Bloom, Matthew,Bryan, Richard

Nick Benas, USMC, is a former United States Marine Sergeant and Iraqi Combat Veteran. He’s the author of Mental Health Emergencies and Tactical Mobility. He travels around the United States traini...

作者:Millar, Angel

Angel Millar is a well-known lecturer on initiation, symbolism, and self-development as well as an artist and student of the martial arts. The author of several books, including The Three Stages of...

作者:Cole, Myke

Myke Cole has had a colorful and varied career, with service in war and crisis response. He currently works as a security and intelligence consultant in the private sector. He has published extensi...

作者:Harjo, Joy


  安地斯山的薩滿巫士服事於神聖之夢,引導我們人類在地球上的命運。   神聖之夢是通往未來的地圖,沒有前路可循,只能自己開拓新的路徑。   神聖之夢揭露了宇宙隱含的秩序,其光芒被薩滿巫士稱之為原始光──一種宇宙間的創造能量,讓你以任何喜好的方式創造美好與真相,   前提是要開始作不一樣的夢,從我們習慣的白日夢中醒來。   渴望安全、希冀永久不變、嚮往無條件的愛,正是這三個巨大的白日夢,...

