【問題】Cow pose?推薦回答

作者:De Luca, Màrcia/ Barros, Lúcia/ Brasil, Bruna Assis (ILT)/ Ban, Ana (TRN)

A playful, exuberantly illustrated book that introduces yoga to kids ages 5 to 8 with simple postures and techniques to foster a calm mind and healthy body How can a magic tree, a cow with a fidge...

作者:Hinder, Sarah Jane

Yoga Bunny幼兒瑜珈 身心靈平衡遊戲‧體驗親子互動的美好時刻!   翻開這本可愛的硬頁書,假想自己是書頁上畫的那隻有毛茸茸尾巴的小兔子,動動你的小鼻子…小兔兔,你能試著說出自己聞到了哪些味道嗎?   現在,我們要學書上的小朋友那樣,盤起你的腿,扮演一隻安靜的小浣熊,緩緩地breath in,breath out,讓孩子模仿的同時,也帶入簡易的英文短句。   全書的插圖能有效幫...

作者:Engel, Christiane

Pairing simplified yoga poses with alphabetized animals and objects, ABC Yoga features colorful illustrations of children and animals practicing yoga along with playful rhymes to explain each movem...

作者:Morrone, Michele

The safety of our food supply is an environmental health issue that affects every American citizen. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that more than 76 million people in the U...

作者:Willow Creek Press (COR)

This charming book hilariously illustrates that yoga isn�t just for people anymore A menagerie of critters hailing from the circus to the Serengeti demonstrate classic poses that would seem imposs...

作者:Turkington, Carol/ Ashby, Bonnie Lee, M.d.

In the past 25 years, more than 30 new germs affecting humans have emerged onto the medical scene, most of them rising from animals. New diseases like the avian flu, Ebola, SARS, and weaponized vir...

作者:Keusch, Gerald T. (EDT)/ Pappaioanou, Marguerite (EDT)/ Gonzalez, Mila C. (EDT)/ Scott, Kimberly A. (EDT)/ Tsai, Peggy (EDT)

H1N1 ("swine flu"), SARS, mad cow disease, and HIV/AIDS are a few examples of zoonotic diseases-diseases transmitted between humans and animals. Zoonotic diseases are a growing concern given multip...

作者:Turkington, Carol/ Ashby, Bonnie

In the past 25 years, more than 30 new human germs have emerged onto the medical scene, most of these rising from animals. And with these germs come new diseases like the avian flu, Ebola, SARS, an...

