【問題】Pure Yoga Mat 81006?推薦回答

作者:Shardlow, Giselle/ Wrangles, Paul (ILT)

WINNER OF FAMILY CHOICE AWARD 2016A Kids Yoga Story About Friendship, Happiness and AcceptanceAnna finds happiness practicing yoga at recess. She imagines traveling the world and exploring new plac...

作者:Billa, Nicole Disalvo

Most people think of Yoga as a physical exercise, good for flexibility and maybe even relaxation. But Yoga has so much more to offer than that. In this inspiring volume of essays, Yoga teacher Nico...

作者:Dantuono, Diana

It's time for you to make a commitment to better health. It's time for you to stop making excuses, to empower yourself, to take control, and to try that yoga class. It's Time for Yoga, Roll Out the...

作者:Long, Ray, M.d.

Orthopaedic surgeon Ray Long blends modern science and the ancient art of hatha yoga to create a resource for every yoga practitioner, from beginners to experts. Long describes the correct position...


  ★專業瑜伽師資必備指定教科書《瑜伽墊上解剖書》系列最終第4集!   ★Bandha Yoga創始人、知名骨科醫師雷‧隆精準細膩的瑜伽解剖指南!   ★特邀國內醫學瑜伽權威Judy老師吳惠美全文專業校訂!      頸肩背乃身心智健康的樞紐,   反轉身體使用慣性,重啟靈活自如的力量!      難度越高的體位,越需要精密的拆解指導,   利用最新醫學解剖技術圖示,多角度透視瑜伽體位,  ...


作者簡介 雷‧隆 Ray Long   骨科醫師,也是 Bandha Yoga 的創始人。畢業於密西根大學醫學院,陸續在康乃爾大學、麥基爾大學、蒙特婁大學和佛羅里達骨科研究所接受學士後訓練。學習哈達瑜伽(Hatha Yoga)逾20年,師事瑜伽大師艾楊格(B.K.S. Iyengar),以及多位首屈一指的瑜伽大師。在艾揚格瑜伽中心,他花許多時間就近觀察和記錄艾揚格本人的練習。正統西方醫學...


  帶著你的瑜伽墊,本書就是你一生的瑜伽老師!!   轟動美、台、中瑜伽界的暢銷書作者   瑜伽教室熱門用書   生物力學+生理學+解剖學   以圖像直接記憶,適合任何程度的瑜伽練習者   可一邊翻閱一邊練習   . 西方骨科醫生+師事瑜伽大師艾揚格=這本瑜伽墊上解剖書   骨科醫生所撰寫的瑜伽解剖書,夠專業、夠正確!又師從東方首屈一指的瑜伽大師,直指瑜伽體位法的要義。 ...


  帶著你的瑜伽墊,本書就是你的好老師!   跑步、登山、騎車、久坐辦公室   導致   下背疼痛、膝蓋痛、坐骨神經痛   你需要   強化腰部、腿部及背部肌群   矯正骨盆位置、伸展髖部關節   伸展背部肌肉   前彎體位  能讓你      放鬆並伸展下背、強化腰肌、伸展臀部及大小腿內外側肌群     髖關節伸展體位   能讓你     放鬆髖關節肌群、強化骨...


清晰、多角度、精密的拆解動作, 逐一呈現每個後彎及扭轉動作的順序、方向、強度與深度, 沒有機巧捷徑,只有穩扎穩打。 讓你透過理解來解開瓶頸,安全地開展伸縮扭轉練習。 盡收體態校正、臟腑淨化、冥想深化之效!   ★專業瑜伽師資必備的指定教科書《瑜伽墊上解剖書》第3集!   ★所有做不到後彎與扭轉體位的關卡,將在本書得到解答!   深具療癒功效的後彎與扭轉   正確練習後彎,能有效矯...

作者:Szabo-cassella, Claire

Shakespeare's Yoga applies some of the Bard's most famous quotes and passages to yoga practice--on and off the mat. With down-to-earth insights from her involvement in Shakespearean theatre and twe...

作者:Scott, Rachel

Embrace mindfulness and alleviate anxiety by integrating the philosophy of yoga into your daily life with this fun and approachable illustrated book for anyone who needs to restore some balance--ev...

作者:Shumway, Priscilla

作者:Stein, Jason

ASHTANGA YOGA: Stories from Beyond the Mat is not your typical "Yoga" book. Jason Stein skips the posture photos and Intro to Yoga Philosophy to explore personal topics in this frank, revealing, an...

