【問題】hito power yoga第五代?推薦回答

作者:Kempton, Sally

How do you live a life of spiritual awakening as well as outer abundance, inner freedom as well as deep intimacy? How do you serve the world selflessly, yet passionately celebrate your life?The sag...

作者:楊乾中 JYiC認證研究團隊

  1.本書分為「PowerPoint 2010 商業簡報實用技能篇」與「BAP國際認證測驗試題與解析篇」,不僅能紮實學會PowerPoint 2010,讓您能學以致用,亦能輕鬆考取BAP國際認證,有效提昇競爭力!   2.圖解式提供解答方法,讓讀者能循序漸進解題,並配合重點提示及影音教學輔以學習,加強學習成效。   3.附贈超值「BAP學評系統」,「CHECK唷」功能,做一題CHECK...

作者:Khalsa, Shakti Parwha Kaur

The practice of Kundalini yoga aims to unlock and awaken the radiant transformative energy that exists within every person. This book is the perfect introduction to the fundamentals of a Kundalini ...

作者:Dinsmore-Tuli, Uma

Uma Dinsmore-Tuli PhD is a yoga therapist, yoga teacher trainer and retreat leader with special expertise in women’s health, including birth, pre- and post-natal yoga, and yoga for positive menstru...


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作者:Devi, Nischala Joy

作者:Power, Teresa Anne

作者:Stryker, Rod

Rod Stryker is one of the world’s premier yoga and meditation teachers. Founder of ParaYoga, he has taught for 40 years and is a frequent keynote speaker at leading yoga and wellness gatherings. On...

作者:Birch, Beryl Bender/ Desciose, Nicholas (PHT)

Beyond Power Yoga presents and explores the complete journey of the classical astanga yoga system, from power yoga to meditation and liberation. Bender Birch's first book, the groundbreaking Power ...

作者:Stryker, Rod

Rod Stryker is one of the world’s premier yoga and meditation teachers. Founder of ParaYoga, he has taught for 40 years and is a frequent keynote speaker at leading yoga and wellness gatherings. On...

作者:Woodroffe, John George (EDT)/ Avalon, A./ Purnananda/ Kalicarana

Who is Kundalini, the Serpent Power? Mythologically, she is an aspect of the Shakti (power or energy) and consort of Shiva. Philosophically, she is the creative energy that eventually forms mind an...

