【問題】yoga flow官網?推薦回答

作者:Eng, Kim/ Tolle, Eckhart (INT)

Eckhart Tolle teaches that the present moment can't be experienced through the thinking mind. So what's one of the best ways to "turn it off" and experience presence? Put your body in motion. Now K...

作者:Fuller, Sue

作者:Rea, Shiva

Lunar Yoga--meant for relaxation and restoration--is the focus of Shiva Rea's newest, fully programmable home yoga practice on DVD.

作者:Rea, Shiva

Solar Flow is intended to revitalize and strengthen both beginning and intermediate students with the invigorating energy of the sun. A progressive program of 15 vinyasa (flow) sequences from sun s...

作者:Wells, Rusty

A guide to Bhakti Flow Yoga, a style of yoga that emphasizes a seamless connection between the breath and the movements of the body--by a popular San Francisco-based yogi.This is a comprehensive gu...

作者:James BrownHanna Hu

  絕對的雅思權威:「劍橋國際認證」外籍老師 + 台灣頂尖雅思考試名師攜手編寫,所有問題一次解決!   不再害怕雅思考不好,就怕好書你買不到!   由雅思名師親自編寫,再由前雅思在台主考官親自審閱的書籍內容,   一定讓你考試下筆如有神助。   他們知道考生最容易犯的錯誤、最容易掉的陷阱,以及最應該精進的弱點,   所有破解題目的技巧,都在書裡全面公開!   想自學、升學、留學、移民或工作...


  落敗組國中生、勝出組國中生、高中生二軍、高中生一軍以及各教練陣容、   甚至連那三人組也…全數網羅《新網王》中出現的所有角色!   就連集訓營內的設施也詳盡介紹!?   當然也不能錯過王子們的私密貼身採訪與個人置物櫃的祕密囉!   快來測試自己對《新網王》的愛有多少吧!!!!!   獻給讀者的終極聖典豪華登場!!!!! 本書特色   ★引領網球運動風潮,各種創新表現與招式也蔚為話題...

作者:Levey, Sarah/ Levey, Mason/ Didonato, Emily (FRW)

Y7 Studios co-founders Sarah and Mason Levey bring their sweat-dripping, beat-bumping practice to readers with We Flow Hard, a fitness and lifestyle book from the original hip-hop yoga studio. Y7 e...



