

  本書從打版設計的基礎概念、測量、紡織技術的研究以及和剪裁相關的術語知識,全面深入介紹最基本的服裝版式設計課程。書中提供了簡單且詳細的圖例文字說明所有基本版型,包含所有類型的裙子和褲子在版型設計上的細節要領,逐步說明與探討每個製作階段細節。讓學習者充分理解整體製作流程,協助創作時尚服裝時所需的任何版型概念。本書作者:Antonio Donnanno,在義大利Bergamo創立Euromod...


Dr. Caroline Boyd (TBC) is a Clinical Psychologist with nearly 10 years of experience. She specializes in supporting parents perinatally - from pregnancy to childbirth and all aspects of the transi...

作者:Miller, Richard

Richard Miller, PhD, is a master of yoga and meditation, researcher, and clinical psychologist. Recognized as a leading authority on the practice of Yoga Nidra, he has founded and cofounded the In...

作者:Rosen, Richard


  今天該穿什麼好呢?   每天出門前是不是都在衣櫥前猶豫不決呢?   要不要試試看起來灑脫又有型的連身褲,或是優雅又簡單的連身裙呢?   只要在裡面隨意內搭上襯衫、T恤、各種材質或不同顏色的上衣,就能穿搭出不一樣的風格喔!   本書一共介紹22款連身褲與連身裙,有可以直接穿著的無袖連身褲、搭配寬腰帶的V領連身褲、寬肩帶的吊帶圓裙……包含了可愛、工裝、優雅、休閒、率性、簡單等不同的風格,...

作者:Yamasaki, Zahabiyah

作者:Ashby, Anna

Anna Ashby has over 20 years’ experience as a yoga teacher and since 2003 has taught at triyoga in London, the largest yoga centre in Europe. She leads workshops and teacher trainings international...

作者:Chopra, Deepak

Deepak Chopra, M.D., FACP, founder of the Chopra Foundation (a nonprofit entity for research on well-being and humanitarianism) and Chopra Global (a modern-day health company at the intersection of...

作者:Mickwitz, Tanja

作者:Burns, Laura

Laura Burns is a Yoga Alliance Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 200) and a certified provider of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education hours. She holds a certification with Curvy Yoga and is...

作者:Downing, Erin Elizabeth

Erin Elizabeth Downing (Charlotte, NC) recovered from debilitating illness and food allergy with the help of Eastern healing modalities. Today she is a certified Kundalini Yoga and Pilates instruct...

