Birkam Hot Yoga and Moksha Hot Yoga for Beginners: The Inner Workings of Bikram and Modsha Hot Yoga | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Birkam Hot Yoga and Moksha Hot Yoga for Beginners: The Inner Workings of Bikram and Modsha Hot Yoga

作者:Gilchrist, Amy

If you are currently practicing yoga or are just about to start practicing yoga then "Birkam Hot Yoga And Moksha Hot Yoga For Beginners" is an appropriate book for you. The author gives an overview of the two forms of yoga and goes a bit more in detail by explaining the poses for each. They are both relatively new forms of yoga and are both practiced in rooms set to specific temperatures. These temperatures are said to make the muscles and joints looser and better able to do the various poses. Everything is presented in a sequential fashion making it extremely easy for the reader to understand what the author has written. Hot yoga is not for everyone but the author has clearly outlined the benefits of each as well as the differences between both and leaves the reader to make the informed decision at the end of the day as to which form of hot yoga, if any that they want to try.

Amy Gilchrist has been a student of the traditional forms of yoga for many years and then started to do research on the hot forms of yoga as they started to become more popular. She was intrigued by the fact that these forms of yoga were carried out in rooms set to a certain temperature. Not one to balk at a challenge she took it upon herself to try out both forms to see if she would add this to the growing list of yoga styles that she was on her way to mastering. Not one to go on a journey without sharing, she made the decision to document everything that she had experienced and to use some of that information to write a book that would help others to have an understanding of the two forms of hot yoga as well. Amy provides wonderful insight into the world of Bikram and Moksha hot yoga.
