Among Shadows Deep | 美妙體態瑜珈在你家 - 2024年7月

Among Shadows Deep

作者:Carnaghan, Mary

As the world settled into peace following World War II, sisters Beverly and Carolyn 'Carrie" Leeds face a tragedy that forces them to stand on their own. The lives of the Leeds sisters begin in a lush valley in upstate New York. They know what it is to be loved and protected by caring parents-until that fateful day in 1947 when they get the call from the railroad. Their parents' train plunges into oblivion while traveling back to New York in the middle of a fierce blizzard after a trestle collapses. The Leeds sisters are close reflections of each other, with their rich shade of tawny hair, deep brown eyes, fair skin, and average height. Only one physical difference sets them apart-Beverly was born with an extensive skin blemish, a blood red birth mark that covers half of her face, running down her shoulder and neck. This dramatic difference sets her and her sister on distinctively different paths. Beverly continually suffers from the deep shame that sets her apart, sheltering herself in her reclusive lifestyle. Meanwhile, Carrie branches out into the world. Will the two sisters ever be close, or will their vastly different personalities carry them even farther apart?
