【問題】Bow Pose?推薦回答

作者:Brunke, Fran

Foreclosures. Recession. War. The news overflows with troublesome stories. How can we find tranquility? In the midst of great changes in the world, yoga can point the way to our own deepest truth a...

作者:Tesh, Jane

"...readers seeking a cozy, feel-good mystery will enjoy this outing to Grace Street. The delightful characters navigate their worldly and otherworldly challenges with affection and humor, and Tesh...

作者:Tesh, Jane

"...readers seeking a cozy, feel-good mystery will enjoy this outing to Grace Street. The delightful characters navigate their worldly and otherworldly challenges with affection and humor, and Tesh...

作者:Tesh, Jane

"...readers seeking a cozy, feel-good mystery will enjoy this outing to Grace Street. The delightful characters navigate their worldly and otherworldly challenges with affection and humor, and Tesh...


  當老外用字根大量記憶單字,  你還傻傻的,  字母一個字母慢慢記?  學會英文字根就能輕鬆拆解單字,  遇到再多再難背的單字都不怕!   韓國高收視率英語學習電台節目〔EBS English Caf?〕  主持人「文段烈」 熱情推薦 本書特色   當老外用字根大量記憶單字,  你還傻傻一個字母一個字母慢慢記?──學會英文字根就能輕鬆拆解單字,遇到再多再難背的單字都不怕!   Ex :  ...


本書特色   十萬位讀者掛保證!從《爸爸,背單字好好玩!》這本書開始,「英語學習」=「有趣」又「輕鬆」!   《爸爸,背單字好好玩》的主要作者—鄭燮,不是一位英語老師,更非專業的語言學家,但是其著作在韓國卻受到熱烈歡迎,已經有超過十萬位的父母、幼教老師以及英語入門學習者購買此書,作為親子英語教材以及入門英語學習教材。「我想要為孩子寫一本可以輕鬆讀完的英語學習書。」這就是鄭燮出版此書的主要核心...

作者:Michaels, Tanya

Home at last?Jace Trent is the definition of unsettled. But it's a lifestyle he's beginning to outgrow. So when Layla Dempsey returns home to Cupid's Bow, Texas, it seems like fate. His best friend...

作者:Weeks, Sarah

Glamourpuss has it all.She has style.She has charm. And she knows how to strike a pose.Glamourpuss loves being the center of attention. So when an unwelcome guest (a dog, no less ) steals the spotl...

作者:West End Producer (COR)

He's the anonymous Twitter sensation whose hilarious and unfailingly accurate barbs satirising and celebrating the theatre industry have won him a devoted following. His identity is the subject of ...
