【問題】Clinical somatics?推薦回答


透過身心學技法, 從調整日常動作入手,重新訓練神經系統,釋放長期緊繃的身體…… 你將擁有減緩、消除、預防惱人疼痛的能力。   百年一脈傳承的臨床身心學大師——亞歷山大、費登奎斯、湯瑪斯漢納 及愈來愈多頂尖運動選手都在實踐的健康法!   不依賴藥物與手術,開啟身體的自癒能力。 隨書提供12支針對不同身心症狀練習影片, 讓您居家輕鬆練習,遠離疼痛!   疼痛科醫師 楊琢琪 + 身心學工作者 李忻...

作者:Caplan, Mariana, Ph.D.

Has yoga improved your health and expanded your awareness--but emotional and relationship issues continue to challenge you?Or have you found psychotherapy helpful . . . yet you yearn for further sp...

作者:Warner, Elizabeth/ Finn, Heather/ Wescott, Anne/ Cook, Alexandra/ Van Der Kolk, Bessel, M.D. (FRW)

A new somatics and attachment theory treatment protocol for therapists working with children and adolescents who suffer from complex trauma and neglect, using movement and sensation to target the n...

作者:Kain, Kathy L./ Terrell, Stephen J./ Levine, Peter A. Ph.d. (FRW)

A practical, integrated approach for therapists working with people (both adults and children) who have been impacted by developmental trauma and attachment difficultiesKathy L. Kain and Stephen J....

