
作者:Morse, Dan

The full true story of the lululemon murder and what really happened to Jayna Murray and Brittany Norwood--photos included.It was a crime that shocked the country. On March 12, 2011, two young sale...

作者:Murray, Laura K.

A look at the origins, leaders, growth, and innovations of Lululemon Athletica, the Canadian athletic apparel company that was founded in 1998 and today has hundreds of retail locations.



作者:Murray, Laura K.




《普拉提訓練全書》由在世界普拉提領域享有盛譽的普拉提大師瑞爾·艾薩考維茲創作。本書凝聚了瑞爾30多年的普拉提教學經驗,既有普拉提訓練的基礎理論,包括呼吸、運動解剖學及生理、人體姿態和身體排列等,又有從入門、初級、中級到高級的253個練習動作和3套訓練計劃,涵蓋8大常見的普拉提器械,適合任何水平的普拉提練習者和教練閱讀。 譯者:張展鵬,PBL訓練體系創始人,鵬式身體運動室創辦人,精準康複...

作者:Brennan, Bridget

If the consumer economy had a sex, it would be female.If the business world had a sex, it would be male. And therein lies the pickle. Women are the engine of the global economy, driving 80 percent ...

作者:Monahan, Megan

Meditation instructor, Deepak Chopra prot g , director of Meditation Wanderlust Hollywood, and Lululemon ambassador Megan Monahan presents a no-nonsense guide to meditation for everyday soul-search...

作者:Malone, Chris/ Fiske, Susan T.

Customers everywhere describe their interactions with companies in a deeply personal way-we hate our banks, love our smartphones, and think the cable company is out to get us. What's actually going...

作者:Moffitt, Sean

REINVENTING YOUR COMPANY IN A CUSTOMER-DRIVEN MARKETPLACE FOREWORD BY DON TAPSCOTT, Bestselling author of Wikinomics "A must-read for business leaders, managers, and just about anyone who wants to ...

作者:Koepke, Peter

An insider's guide to the world's largest archive of patterns and textiles, the source of inspiration for the globe's top designersEvery season, designers from fashion, home furnishings, textiles, ...

作者:Wilson, Chip

The unauthorized story of lululemon.This is a book about ordinary people who took an opportunity to be creative, to be innovative, and to maximize their potential. Chip Wilson's part in this story ...

作者:Bubonia, Janace E., Ph.D.

This user-friendly guide to evaluating apparel quality presents the roles of product designers, manufacturers, merchandisers, testing laboratories, and retailers from product inception through the ...

作者:Sinister, Bucky

There are no old drug addicts. That's what everyone says, at least. So how did Chuck get to his forty-third birthday and find himself still neck-deep in this scene? He knows he's the creepy old guy...

