【問題】Peeta TakeTake?推薦回答


  Peeta葛格是瘦身相關領域Youtuber,頻道訂閱人數目前約18萬人。本書會先教你簡單的理論知識,營養學在有些人體運作上的理論還沒有被解答出來,所以好的實驗可以顯示出那個理論到底是不是正確的。最後分析真實世界的應用效果。   不用太害怕覺得改造體態很難,因為只要用對方式,效果會很好,你也會覺得執行的很開心。   本書的重點會放在體態改造知識、生酮低醣飲食、其他飲食方式以及間歇性斷...

作者:Amass, Sandra F. (EDT)/ Bhunia, Arun K. (EDT)/ Chaturvedi, Alok R. (EDT)/ Dolk, Daniel R. (EDT)/ Peeta, Srinivas (EDT)/ Atallah,

Homeland security has occupied the news since 9/11. Still, much of the research about security risks, types of threats, and other vital data remains unsubstantiated. Using the tools that verify sci...

作者:Taylor, Richard

A snake had stolen one of the eggs from Harold and Polly's nest and was thought to have been eaten while they waited eagerly for their other egg to hatch. Peeta, who had hatched a few days later, g...

作者:Trends International (COR)

作者:Amass, Sandra F. (EDT)/ Chaturvedi, Alok R. (EDT)/ Peeta, Srinivas (EDT)

Part of the challenge in homeland security research is developing plans for emerging areas of research. In order to provide a solid basis for future needs, authors will comment on current informati...

