【問題】salamba sirsasana ii?推薦回答

作者:Child, Robert

Robert Child is a military history writer, director, and published author with Penguin/Random House. Besides his co-authored book, The Lost Eleven, with Denise George, he has published nine other n...

作者:Ceglio, Clarissa

CLARISSA J. CEGLIO is assistant professor of digital humanities at the University of Connecticut.

作者:O’Connor, Jerome M.

Jerry O’Connor has been a college instructor, journalist, historian, tour guide, and lecturer. A passion for realism and authenticity has characterized O’Connor’s journalism career, beginning with ...

作者:Hardman, Robert


Dietmar Meinel, University of Duisburg-Essen

作者:Hooper, Elise


János M. Rainer is University Professor of History at the Esztárházy Károly University, Eger, Hungary.

作者:Ceglio, Clarissa

CLARISSA J. CEGLIO is assistant professor of digital humanities at the University of Connecticut.

作者:Keckley, Elizabeth,Wilson, Harriet

作者:Fink, Leon

Leon Fink is distinguished professor of history emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago and senior resident scholar at Georgetown University’s Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Wor...


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