【問題】thick elastic cord?推薦回答

作者:Namir, Hasan

Hasan Namir is an Iraqi-Canadian author. He graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA in English and received the Ying Chen Creative Writing Student Award. He is the author of God in Pink (2...

作者:Shell, Billie Dureyea

作者:Thiboult-Demessence, Karine

Karine Thiboult-Demessence is a journalist, designer, photo stylist, author and blogs under the name Mademoiselle Tika. She lives in France.

作者:Michael G. RoskinRobert L. CordJames A. MedeirosWalter S. Jones

  本本書以中立的立場來介紹各種不同的政治學理論與概念架構,拓寬讀者的視野。除了美國的例子外,本書用了很多來自世界各國的例子,提高讀者之接受度。例如:談到從威權政體轉型為民主國家時,臺灣、南韓、智利和巴西皆列入說明的例子;談到少數族群的政治次級文化時,美國、加拿大、英國蘇格蘭、印度、斯里蘭卡、科索沃等國家之例子皆入列。   其次,每章都有「研究方法」,將方法論和研究方法的相關概念,灌輸給初...

作者:Consumer Dummies

Paul McFedries (Toronto, Ontario, CANADA) is a long-time technology writer. He is author of Alexa For Dummies and Amazon Fire TV For Dummies.

作者:Brown, Sandra

Sandra Brown is the author of seventy-two New York Times bestsellers. There are over eighty million copies of her books in print worldwide, and her work has been translated into thirty-four languag...

作者:Ranz, Thomas

Thomas Ranz works as an expert for the simulation of static tests and fatigue tests in the railway industry. He completed his academic training at TU Graz (civil engineering) and at the University ...

作者:Watson, Charles,Sengul, Gulgun,Paxinos, George

作者:Berk, Bradford C.

On Memorial Day 2009--at the peak of his career as a physician, medical researcher, and medical center CEO--Dr. Brad Berk took a bike ride that would change his life forever. To avoid an oncoming c...


極限,是一種錯覺 是大腦和「越來越想喊停的渴望」的不斷對抗   無論是短跑衝刺、超級馬拉松,   還是高山攻頂、雪地拓荒,甚或高熱礦井採礦,   耐力,幾乎是所有體能領域中達成偉大表現的基礎。   人類的體能,究竟存不存在著「極限」?   耐力由哪些因素控制?大腦與心志又扮演了什麼樣的角色?   一本關於「耐力」的科學與心理學革命性著作   揭露所有人體內潛力極限的祕密   忍耐的能...


想要堅持好習慣,就要讓習慣變得有彈性。   # 繼《原子習慣》、《番茄工作法》,又一全新型態的極簡工作術,將化整為零、滴水穿石的精神發揮到極致!   #Amazon Kindle「健康、健身與飲食」類第一名暢銷書!   「想要有效養成習慣,你必須學會持之以恆,每日完成一個小目標。我們總是以為,『堅持』就是用意志力撐過難關,但凡事起頭難,一定要從簡單的步驟開始。」史蒂芬.蓋斯   還...

