【問題】true yoga費用2021?推薦回答

作者:Moth (COR)/ Burns, Catherine (EDT)

"Wonderful." --Michiko Kakutani, New York TimesCelebrating the 20th anniversary of storytelling phenomenon The Moth, 45 unforgettable true stories about risk, courage, and facing the unknown, drawn...

作者:Chainani, Soman

紅遍全球《善惡魔法學園》系列迎來第六部完結! ★ 蟬聯《紐約時報》暢銷書榜,多達三十五週 ★ 累計超過兩百萬冊銷售 ★ NETFLIX 電影開拍,魔幻風暴即將席捲全球 ★ 繼《哈利波特》,席捲110國暢銷榜的魔幻經典   魔幻史詩般的場景,無盡之森的信念,與善惡魔法學園的一切,還有整個卡美洛(Camelot)王國的榮耀,都危在旦夕。只有真正的王者,才能力挽狂瀾。   古往今來,善惡相生...

作者:Cathy Glass

Although Jodie is only eight years old, she is violent, aggressive, and has already been through numerous foster families. Her last hope is Cathy Glass. A number 1 Sunday Times Bestseller. At the S...

作者:Tankersley, Jim

為何二戰後迅速壯大的中產階級,如今卻面臨消亡的危機?   要了解中產階級,除了那些身在其中、光鮮亮麗的人們以外,還需要了解另一群在夾縫中求生存、卻時刻被遺忘的人們。吉姆.譚克斯利研究中產階級十年有餘,在本書中,他從解開1970年代以後的美國經濟大謎團開始,剖析核心問題:為何我們沒有創造出更多更好的工作機會,取代舊有的爛職缺?輔以政治與經濟相關研究報告,生動描繪出中產階級的衰落與復甦,並提出...

作者:McCreary, Crystal

CRYSTAL MCCREARY is a yoga, mindfulness, and health educator, actor, speaker, and writer. She consults for CUNY-Hunter’s public health department research studies on the impact of mindfulness on he...

作者:Guber, Tara/ Kalish, Leah/ Fatus, Sophie (ILT)

大手牽小手,一起做瑜珈, 全美最受讀者肯定的瑜珈活動牌卡 提升生活品質,5分鐘也能放鬆一下!   帶孩子,需要更多的耐心?心好累,需要更多的能量?   當了爸媽,忘了自己是誰,需要喘息時間,提升自信?   教師設計課堂活動,來點不一樣的靈感?   《Yoga Pretzels》由專業瑜珈教師設計研發,內含50張活動牌卡與簡易手冊,依牌卡上的插圖與步驟說明,就能在家做初階伸展動作,進行呼吸...

作者:Bitterly, Francis G.

作者:Hinder, Sarah Jane

  Yoga Bug幼兒瑜珈   身心靈平衡遊戲‧體驗親子互動的美好時刻!   翻開這本可愛的硬頁書,第一頁是蜜蜂啊!閉上眼睛想像自己是書上的蜜蜂,蜜蜂爸爸、蜜蜂媽媽和小蜜蜂,張開翅膀hum, hum, hum…   翻到另一頁,是蚱蜢啊!蚱蜢可以跳好高,你會嗎?接著坐在地板上,伸起一條腿跨到另一條腿上,像圖中的蚱蜢那樣…現在試著轉身往後看twist and turn,很好,就是這樣!...

作者:Baptiste, Baron

New York Times bestselling author of Perfectly ImperfectWhether you are looking to lose weight, trying to increase your strength and stamina, hoping to sharpen your mental edge, or seeking to go de...

作者:Mathew, Roy J.

In The True Path, Duke psychiatrist Roy J. Mathew draws on his own extensive knowledge of neuroscience as he looks at the centuries-old Indian idea that spirituality is a state of mind-a higher for...

作者:Lee, Jennie

Achieve lasting happiness no matter what life brings. True Yoga is an inspirational guide that shows you how to overcome difficulties and create sustainable joy through the Eight Limbs of Yoga outl...

