【問題】拜日式a b?推薦回答

作者:Andrews, Amy

Amy is an award-winning, USA Today best-selling Aussie author who has written sixty plus contemporary romances in both the traditional and digital markets. She’s sold two million books and been tra...

作者:Diken, Bülent,Gilloch, Graeme,Hammond, Craig

Bülent Diken is Professor of Social and Cultural Theory at Lancaster University, UK, and at Kadir Has University, Turkey. In particular, his research interests include the sociology of cinema, and ...

作者:Daughrity, Dyron B.

Dyron Daughrity is a Professor of Religion at the Pepperdine University in the Religion Devision. He is the author of To Whom Does Christianity Belong?

作者:Owens, J. B.

J. B. Owens, Idaho State University, Pocatello, USA.

作者:Mcintyre, Trevor

They were called 'B-29ers' - the men of the 20th Air Force who brought the WWII Japanese Empire to its knees with the greatest bomber the world had ever seen. Through airpower alone, they quashed t...

作者:Eguogwu, Patrick Joseph U., Jr.

作者:Hogan, Paul

Paul Hogan has owned TRs for over 40 years, including three TR6s. While serving his apprenticeship working on Jaguars and Healeys he stripped down his own TR to the last nut and bolt and rebuilt it...

作者:Who Regional Office for the Western Pacific (COR)

The purpose of this case study is to describe how PMTCT services were delivered in our program and to highlight the achievements and challenges of the collaborative efforts to improve PMTCT service...


四個渴盼登上舞台的少女、四位望女成鳳的母親、 一個身分成謎的轉學生, 誰能奪得女主角的光環? 誰又會是在幕後等待復仇的替身……? 四重視角解謎x四位小說家競技 天后級暢銷作家陣容 聯手揭開華麗劇場裡的陰暗心機 懸疑小說家/千晴、作家/馬欣──好評推薦 ┤故事簡介├ 奧拉弗琳戲劇學院是培育倫敦頂尖劇場演員的搖籃,每年的公演更吸引眾多星探和經紀公司前來發掘新人,學生無不渴望擔綱主演、嶄...

作者:Grafton, Sue

作者:Who Regional Office for the Western Pacific

This publication is intended to provide a handy compilation of available guidance for hepatitis B vaccination programs in countries and areas of the Western Pacific Region.

