【問題】Crazy Man 成員?推薦回答

作者:Lee, Myron

作者:Sandoz, Mari/ Deloria, Vine (INT)

Crazy Horse, the legendary military leader of the Oglala Sioux whose personal power and social nonconformity contributed to his reputation as being "strange," fought in many famous battles, includi...

作者:McCluskey, Audrey Thomas (EDT)

Richard Pryor is an American icon whose name evokes irreverent humor, social critique, and a perplexing degree of self-agonized genius. This anthology captures in one volume the spirit, zest, and c...

作者:Nelson, S. D.

S. D. Nelson is a member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in the Dakotas. He is the award-winning author and illustrator of a number of books, including Red Cloud, Sitting Bull, Black Elk’s Vision ...

作者:Pilkey, Dav/ Pilkey, Dav (ILT)

新英雄狗超人打擊犯罪的痛快故事, 緊張又爆笑的情節, 生活化不按牌理出牌的幽默對白, 從頭笑到尾,只要翻開,就捨不得停下來!   ★美國小學生都在讀!不用認識每個字也能看懂的全彩漫畫讀本,培養獨立閱讀小讀者。   ★本本暢銷,蟬聯紐約時報暢銷書排行榜,亞馬遜讀者5顆星好評。   ★此套書包含Dog Man第1-6集精裝版。   凱迪克獲獎作家戴夫‧皮爾奇 (Dav Pilkey),在美國...

作者:Editors of Studio Fun International

作者:Neuhaus, Eve Baumohl

The core teachings and riotous life of the psychedelic yogi Ganesh Baba - Presents the teachings of Ganesh Baba's "Crea" Yoga, which he derived from the tantric practices of traditional Kriya Yoga ...

