【問題】Style坐墊 評價?推薦回答

作者:Mga Entertainment Inc


Claudia Stokes is Professor of English at Trinity University. She is the author of Writers in Retrospect: The Rise of American Literary History, 1875-1910 and The Altar at Home: Sentimental Literat...


  日本當代最具獨立精神的「圈外編輯」都築響一代表作   有時候不在家,有時候呼朋引伴一起談夢想,   這裡有一點點破舊,一點點零亂,一點點窄小,   如果你按了門鈴,請進,請進,   日常的一日,真實的一日,在東京小屋,我們有自己的故事。   真實的東京生活,轉個路口,拐個小巷,就看見了……   藝術家兄弟檔,大量的CD跟唱片還有畫作,滿滿一屋子,玄關的門除了冬天之外,永遠是關不起來的...

作者:Jones, Eric

Eric Jones is the creator of Dude That Cookz. His recipes have been featured by The Washington Post, Essence, Women’s Health and the Kitchn. Born and raised in Louisiana, he now lives in Houston, T...

作者:Peacock, Desha

Desha Peacock is an award-winning TV show producer and host, as well as a lifestyle expert. Desha has helped thousands of people find their "Sweet Spot Style"--a self-defined place of success and b...

作者:Santamaria, Giuseppe

Giuseppe Santamaria is a Sydney-based writer, fashion photographer and creator of Men in this Town. Traveling the globe, he photographs and features street fashion across the big cities on his blog...

作者:Berry, Jess

Jess Berry is Senior Lecturer in Design History at Monash University, Australia. She is the author of House of Fashion (Bloomsbury, 2018).

作者:Lazareanu, Irina,McConnell, Drew,Loperena, Pascal

Top model Irina Lazareanu has appeared on hundreds of magazine covers, including Vogue Italy, W magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Self Service, Elle, and Marie Claire. She walked countless runway shows, i...

作者:Shearer, Stephen Michael,Loder, Anthony

Stephen Michael Shearer is an actor, a former model, and the author of three highly regarded film biographies: Patricia Neal: An Unquiet Life (University Press of Kentucky, 2006), Beautiful: The Li...


.2021最新版台水招考用書! .營運士業務類考科短期速成5合1:一般法律常識+公民+國文閱讀測驗+企業管理概要+英文! .三民輔考國營事業招考上榜實據,歷年口碑上榜書!   【本書適用】   這套《自來水評價人員[營運士業務類]套書》適用於報考自來水評價職位人員[營運士業務類]考生。   【台灣自來水公司人力資源活化政策】   台水公告之重大政策中,關於人力資源的活化,基於氣候威脅,缺...


  恐怖小說大師Stephen King史蒂芬‧金、   奉為權威典範的英文寫作聖經!   經典兒童名著《夏綠蒂的網》作者E. B. White極致推崇!   橫跨兩世紀‧全球暢銷超過10,000,000冊   從哈佛、耶魯,到普林斯頓,霸佔全美高中、大學課堂的「英語寫作暢銷經典」!   ※【獨家收錄】25道作者精心規劃練習題   ※【獨家隨書贈】英文寫作必備‧實戰練習手冊   ★Ama...

作者:Hacker, Diana,Sommers, Nancy,Bedford/St Martin’s


  ◎「我最近,我喜歡,我常常……」,當你連說三次「我」,對方會開始不想聽。   ◎問別人:「你的工作很賺錢吧?」非常失禮。   ◎大家都喜歡被讚美,但有一種讚美,對方聽了很不開心。   ◎你滔滔不絕講,對方不斷微笑,你以為他想聽?其實他在敷衍你。     本書作者吉原珠央擔任形象顧問長達17年,   他發現,多數人都把會閒聊、會搭話的人,視為很懂得建立友誼,   但很多閒聊對於人際關係的建...

作者:Bowley, Flora,Lynx, Lynzee

The author of Brave Intuitive Painting, Creative Revolution, and Fresh Paint, Flora Bowley is an internationally celebrated painter, workshop facilitator, author, visionary, and inspirationalist. ...

