【問題】sports cushion骨盆枕?推薦回答

作者:Dasgupta, Lovely

Lovely Dasgupta is an Associate Professor of Law at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, India, with particular interests in Sports Law, Competition Law and Contract Law. She ...

作者:Bedford, Steve

Steve Bedford qualified in Swedish massage in 1995 and in sports massage the following year. Further studies and qualifications have included; diploma’s in sports therapy and sports injury manageme...

作者:Coombs, W. Timothy,Harker, Jennifer L.

W. Timothy Coombs is Professor in the Department of Communication at Texas A&M University, USA Jennifer L. Harker is Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at West Virigina University, USA

作者:Bedford, Steve

Steve Bedford qualified in Swedish massage in 1995 and in sports massage the following year. Further studies and qualifications have included; diploma’s in sports therapy and sports injury manageme...

作者:Buckley Jr, James

James Buckley Jr. is one of the top authors of sports books for young readers. He has written over 50 books on sports for kids, including the Scholastic Year in Sports series. You can learn more ab...

作者:Murray, Jools

Jools Murray has been the S&C Coach for a variety of professional female team sports, including England Netball, England Rugby, GB Hockey and England Football. Her highlight was winning the gold me...

作者:Nicholls, Adam R.

Adam R Nicholls is based in the Department of Sport, Health, and Exercise Science, at the University of Hull, UK. His primary research is related to stress, appraisal, and coping among athletes, wh...

作者:Nicholls, Adam R.

Adam R Nicholls is based in the Department of Sport, Health, and Exercise Science, at the University of Hull, UK. His primary research is related to stress, appraisal, and coping among athletes, wh...

作者:Coombs, W. Timothy,Harker, Jennifer L.

W. Timothy Coombs is Professor in the Department of Communication at Texas A&M University, USA Jennifer L. Harker is Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at West Virigina University, USA


※最經典長銷傑作1-8卷,一次收藏套組!※   終於等到了!「正宗陰陽師」經典重現! 讀者最期待續集的系列小說 日本長銷30年,狂銷6,000,000冊! 考據嚴謹,細膩華麗,再現最風雅的日本平安時代。 影響力跨足影視、戲劇、電玩,奇幻魅力不朽!      【第一部】 陰陽師   日本平安時代,世界明暗未分,人、鬼、妖怪、魔物等雜相共處。   安倍晴明為陰陽師,...


  有多久的時間,忽略自己的身體了?   是不是讓疼痛慢慢成為常態而失去知覺、無感了呢?     關節是由肌肉與軟組織來連結,肌肉透過伸展可以變得更柔軟、透過訓練可以變得更強壯。現在就開始讓身體找回柔軟、平衡且自由的暢快感!     運動,從一開始就要做對!   保持正確的姿勢,能讓自己的體態不易變形;學會呼吸調節,能讓運動其間更順暢。許多的運動傷害、拉傷、往往都是因為...


終結腰痛,改善腰肌力 中醫權威李家雄醫療團隊全程監製 7大運動體操xT字舒活枕 駝背、骨盆一併改善!   ★★隨書附贈:獨家研發「T字舒活枕」★★   常常覺得腰痠背痛?   腰痛不是病,但痛起來要人命,   人人都該有一支「T字舒活枕」!   若腰椎沒有受到良好的照顧,   不僅會隨著年紀退化,   還可能會加速耗損,   尤其久坐上班族、姿勢不良者及勞工族,   都需要立即鍛鍊腰肌...


日本大作家飄然百年的紙上桃源 啟發動畫大師宮崎駿無數次的美學鉅作! 獨旅天地的終極美學,夏目漱石最具詩境經典小說集   「這證明了漱石在藝術上的本領於何處。」──谷崎潤一郎   行旅在外,結草為枕。   只盼能在非人情的天地逍遙片刻。   〈草枕〉描寫一位逃離俗世的畫師走進田野的旅途所見,在深山野嶺開啟一段「非人情」之旅,並在途中邂逅了一位神祕的女子……藉畫師所見所聞,漱石在〈草枕〉抒...

