【問題】雙人yoga pose?推薦回答

作者:Gates, Mariam/ Hinder, Sarah Jane (ILT)

Calm and awake, "I can do this "is all I need to say.A deep breath in, a long breath out--I am ready for the day This "wake up" story is so much more than a story. It's a practice for kids and pare...

作者:Cook, Peter

作者:Gates, Mariam/ Hinder, Sara Jane (ILT)

Kids love yoga--and it's great for them, so much so that the President's Council has added the practice to the fitness activities in the annual President's Challenge. For parents and caregivers loo...

作者:Beck, Emma

作者:Gates, Mariam

  哈佛大學教育碩士研發,專為新世代兒童設計的「睡前放鬆術」加「早晨定心操」   暢銷書《孩子,我們一起靜心吧》全彩圖解、真人示範版   Amazon五顆星最高評價,全美家長熱烈迴響、成效顯著!     瑜伽,是小小孩靜心最好的方法。   臥室,就是他最舒適的靜心教室。   用繪本帶領孩子一起靜心,跟著圖解輕鬆上手,   大人小孩一起放鬆好眠,精神飽滿地迎接新的一天!     今天,我是一座...

作者:Happy Twisting

