
作者:Rountree, Alicia,Leffel, Caitlin

Multifaceted entrepreneur--nutrition/wellness coach and swimwear designer--and Wilhelmina model Alicia Rountree has been inspired by her childhood home in Mauritius, an island in the Indian Ocean. ...

作者:Howard, Andrew

Andrew Howard is an in-demand designer whose fresh voice and family-friendly interior designs have attracted a large audience and the attention of top shelter magazines. Howard lives in Jacksonvill...

作者:Fujino, Yukinobu,Miura, Yuji,Oka, Hiroyuki

Yukinobu Fujino graduated from the Division of Biological Science at the University of Hiroshima’s Graduate School of Science. He then joined a long-established flower shop in Hiroshima City, worki...

作者:Santamaria, Giuseppe

Giuseppe Santamaria is a Sydney-based writer, fashion photographer and creator of Men in this Town. Traveling the globe, he photographs and features street fashion across the big cities on his blog...


  本書是考前衝刺,獲取高分的利器,讀者只要細心演練每道題目。準備此科並不困難,拿高分即易如反掌!本書特色如下:   ◎不必靠補習,30天內速成無形資產評價師能力鑑定   ◎系統化彙整,架構清晰,立即掌握考試趨勢   ◎章節重點搭配精選試題,題題解析快速上手   本書根據IPAS經濟部產業人才能力鑑定「無形資產評價管理師」所編寫,適用初、中級。本著能達成事半功倍的成效,以最省的時間來建立...

作者:Stevenson, Jane

Jane Stevenson, Senior Research Fellow, Campion Hall, University of OxfordJane Stevenson studied at the University of Cambridge, and subsequently taught at the Universities of Sheffield and Warwick...


在社交場合感到不自在、過度在意週遭人們的眼光、 無法受到上司青睞…你是否覺得「日子過得好累」? 透過最新高敏感性剖析測驗, 理解自己的傾向,找出真正克服方法。   你也是容易受傷的人嗎?   ✔「不喜歡太大的聲響或吵雜的地方」   ✔「有交談聲就無法集中精神」   ✔「容易因為別人的三言兩語而受傷」   ✔「壓力太大就容易胃痛」   ✔「常常頭痛或拉肚子」   本書教你理解並發揮敏感天賦...

作者:Breward, Christopher

Christopher Breward is the director of National Museums Scotland. He is the author of The Hidden Consumer, Fashion, and Fashioning London.



☆核心考點精準剖析☆ ☆重點法規一網打盡☆ ☆題目豐富解析完整☆     水是人類生活上不可一日缺少之物質,水佔人體重量約 70%左右,而在嬰兒體內含水更高達 80%,為了保持體內水份 的平衡,根據醫學的報導每個人每天平均每公斤體重需喝足 30c.c.的水,以維持身體健康,如果失去 10%的水份則對於身 體有害,倘若是失去 20%的水份則會發生脫水對生命有危險。 除了日常飲用水之外,水也是民...

作者:Mittelberg, Mark


一早起床想到上班就累,又不能沒薪水,無奈又無力!? 人際緊張壓力、情緒疲勞、工作量爆表、沒有成就感、看不到未來......   日本最強人氣「職場專科醫生」診治萬名「厭世喪班族」的 獨創秘訣     「放過」自己不等於「放縱」自己   「職涯很長很長」過度努力衝刺,只會傷身又難成功   「剛剛好的不努力」是健康又成功職場生涯的捷徑     ►►每天一分鐘「拒絕訓練」,擺脫無理要求、請託   ...

