
作者:Kepler, Thomas

When the luxury liner Ile de France sailed into New York harbor for the first time in 1927, she brought to America the first great, coordinated example of what the French then called L'Art Moderne....

作者:Berry, Jess

Jess Berry is Senior Lecturer in Design History at Monash University, Australia. She is the author of House of Fashion (Bloomsbury, 2018).

作者:O’Neal, Shaquille

Shaquille O’Neal is one of the world’s most successful athletes-turned-businesspeople, whose accomplishments on and off the court have translated into his highly sought-after consumer brand. As an ...

作者:Harris, Scott

An art director and digital artist for Digital Art School and an instructor on educational platform Udemy, Scott Harris has been involved in digital art and design for more than 15 years, with a th...

作者:Mittelberg, Mark


  第一本教你培養「台式視角」的速寫教學書!   不只要你看到獨特的「台式美學」,   更想邀你一起,用畫筆成為城市地景記錄家。     特色1★從觀察開始,帶你找到並畫出自己的獨特台灣style。   特色2★從基礎學起,由輪廓到細節,由線稿到上色,輕鬆畫出台灣風情。   特色3★小開老師最擅長的街屋畫法大公開!     生為這塊土地的子民,與土地產生連結,並且用速寫來記錄這些我們一同經歷...

作者:Bailey, Boyd

Boyd Bailey is the founder of Wisdom Hunters, an Atlanta-based ministry that encourages Christians to live out God’s unchanging truth in a changing world. The author of many devotional books and e-...

作者:Waller, Jane

Jane Waller has written three books on the social history of the Second World War and five books on knitwear design, all of which have been inspirational for fashion designers and for film and tele...

作者:Marx, Paul

Paul Marx of Towson, MD is the author of Utopia in America and Jim Rouse: Capitalist/Idealist and editor of Modern and Classical Essayists and Twelve Short Story Writers. He has published articles ...


人生球場上,我們就是自己最好的教練! 教練自己,不只是名詞,更是動詞, 它會產生一種行動力,帶你超越逆境 本書首度揭露一個職業籃球員到專業經理人的鍛鍊之路! COSTCO亞太區總裁張嗣漢的球場、職場和人生經歷   張嗣漢開誠布公和讀者分享:   ★如何善用運動員的眼光,建立自己的競爭優勢   ★人生如何換位思考,重新定義自己?   ★如何運用球場上的態度與原則,發展出「教練自己...

