
作者:Tate, Tim

Tim Tate is a multi-award winning documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist. Over a career spanning almost forty years, he has made more than eighty documentaries and written for most nati...

作者:Sierra, Kathy,Bates, Bert

Kathy Sierra has been interested in learning theory since her days as a game developer (Virgin, MGM, Amblin’). More recently, she’s been a master trainer for Sun Microsystems, teaching Sun’s Java i...


Giovanni Colombo was born in Como, Italy, in 1961. After attending a lyceum for the arts, he enrolled in the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan to study painting. In the early 1980s, he atte...

作者:Gamble, Adam,Jasper, Mark

Adam Gamble, is a writer, a photographer, and a publisher. He is the author of many books in the Good Night Books series, In the Footsteps of Thoreau, and A Public Betrayed. He lives in Sandwich, M...

作者:Gandhi, Raju

Raju has long been in the pursuit of hermeticism across the development stack by championing immutability during development (with languages like Clojure), deployment (leveraging tools like Docker ...

作者:Messud, Claire

作者:Mignola, Mike

Mike Mignola’s fascination with ghosts and monsters began at an early age; reading Dracula at age twelve introduced him to Victorian literature and folklore, from which he has never recovered. Star...

作者:Koranteng, Vanessa,Sicgmone Kludje

Sicgmone Kludje and Vea Koranteng are the co-founders of the Black Girl Knit Club, a knitwear collective based in East London. They teach workshops, give talks and have been featured in the interna...

作者:Smale, Holly


只要按圖索驥,新手也能自己練 自宅訓練、器材鍛鍊,健身新手必學的五大重訓課, 教你用對工具、正確施力、練對肌肉、有效增肌     健身房裡滿滿的器材,不知從何練起?   如何在家自己鍛鍊?還能達到健身器材的效果?   想要有厚實胸膛、明顯臀線,如何有效鍛鍊局部肌肉?     一本專為健身新手設計的重訓指南,   從基礎觀念到實際操作、從居家健身到善用器材,完全解析、立即上手。     ◎ 五...


第一本從零開始的Grasshopper 3D專業建模教學書籍,想學會參數化設計千萬不能錯過!   Grasshopper教材由國立聯合大學建築學系 D&A Lab 實驗室編撰完成,內容編寫經由課堂授課經驗累積,實際了解學生學習 3D 建模與參數化設計軟體之盲點後編寫而成,是一本完全針對想學好 3D 參數化建模軟體卻完全零基礎的學生而設計的手把手教材內容,內容經由詳細的指令說明,一圖一步驟整...

作者:The Spoon, Barn

Barnaby Carder aka Barn the Spoon is a contemporary crafter who specializes in household treen, small handmade functional objects made of wood. A woodwork obsessive for over 25 years, he set up his...

