
作者:Einstein, Albert

At the California Institute of Technology, Diana Kormos Buchwald is the Robert M. Abbey Professor of History; Ze’ev Rosenkranz is senior editor; József Illy and A. J. Kox are senior editors and vis...

作者:Babaev, Kirill,Samarina, Irina

Kirill Babaev, Ph.D. (2008), Doctor of Sciences (2013), Deputy Director of the Institute of Far Orient of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Associate Prof. at the Russian State University for Hu...

作者:Quinton, Sasha

Sasha Quinton is the author of more than 30 books for children. She lives in the lovely seaside town of Rowayton, Connecticut with her son Sawyer. Thomas Hegbrook is a nature lover with a talent fo...

作者:Schlett, James

James Schlett is an award-winning author, poet and journalist. He is the author of A Not Too Greatly Changed Eden: The Story of the Philosophers’ Camp in the Adirondacks (Ithaca and London: Cornell...

作者:Hill, James,Jones, Nick


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  ★魅力狂掃健身界!新世代女力May的最新「增肌減脂」企劃,重磅登場!   ★李婉萍營養師專業審訂,健身名人Peeta葛格、Ashlee咻咻、Hana漢娜一致推薦!   ★46道增肌減脂家常菜╳33組高效能徒手動作,用「飲食」和「運動」,打造自信體態!   什麼樣的健康料理,讓IG15萬粉絲吃上癮,敲碗喊續集?   什麼樣的徒手健身,讓Youtube點閱率破250萬,在家都忍不住動起來?...


  ★健身紅人May首度出擊,上萬粉絲驚呼:「原來可以身材好,吃得更好!」   ★首創「一碗料理(Mayfitbowl)」,每碗都有滿滿蛋白質、醣類和優質脂質!   ★李婉萍營養師專業審訂,幫你精算熱量、營養素,輕鬆達到增肌減脂功效!   超過7萬人追蹤!「一碗料理(Mayfitbowl)」的奇蹟功效——   ‧健身者→告別水煮餐苦海,烤、煎、炒餐餐變化蛋白質,有效增肌!   ‧減肥者→不...

