【問題】Light on Yoga?推薦回答

作者:Hueneke, Pati Solva

Pati Solva Hueneke takes you on a profound, mystical healing journey with the Golden Light. Pati describes her own encounter with her inner Divine Golden Light Being after many years of practicing ...

作者:Harford, Vincent G.

This book contains some fifty remarkable stories or lessons that are truly inspiring. Many have a little humour thrown in. Each of the pieces will lift your heart and help you to view many everyday...

作者:Liebler, Nancy/ Moss, Sandra

"If you have an interest in optimum mental health, this book belongs on your shelf "--AMY WEINTRAUB, author of Yoga for Depression"A must-read for anyone interested in overcoming depression and hea...

作者:Singh, Kundan

Sri Aurobindo and the Mother are regarded as the architects of Integral Yoga or "Purnayoga," which is the process of seeking union with the Divine while increasingly manifesting such divine nature ...

作者:Aberg, Anna

A Fresh and Effective Approach to Staying Toned During Pregnancy--in just 30 Quick Minutes a Day At Home or on the RoadPregnancy is no time to let yourself go--and with Anna Aberg's surprisingly ef...

作者:Anderson, Joseph L.

In December 2004, Joseph Anderson left his North Carolina home and law practice for an extended trip to India to study yoga with Yogiraj Bikram Choudhury. He promised his recently widowed mother he...

作者:Ramaswami, Srivatsa/ Hurwitz, David

In The Complete Book of Vinyasa Yoga Srivatsa Ramaswami presented the full breadth of yogasana teachings as taught by Sri. T. Krishnamacharya (1888-1989) -- the father of modern yoga. Now, for the ...

作者:Weintraub, Amy/ Cope, Stephen (FRW)

Take the natural path to mental wellness More than 25 million Americans are treated with antidepressants each year, at a cost in excess of $50 billion. But the side effects of popular prescription ...

作者:Jung, C. G./ Shamdasani, Sonu (EDT)

"Kundalini yoga presented Jung with a model of something that was almost completely lacking in Western psychology--an account of the development phases of higher consciousness.... Jung's insistence...


「只有通過瑜伽之鏡,人才能從中感受到自身。」 1966年出版至今全球銷售突破百萬冊不墜 當代瑜伽大師──艾揚格 最權威的瑜伽指導經典   艾揚格(B.K.S. Iyengar, 1918-2014)師承現代瑜伽之父奎師那阿闍梨, 是將瑜伽推廣至當代世界的重要推手, 而本書是艾揚格一生中最重要的瑜伽指導全書, 是他每天長達10小時、不間斷修練35年後的思想精華, 深入淺出地闡述每個體位法動作...


  瑜伽修練的最低目標,是讓你八十歲還可以自己繫鞋帶;最高目標則是踏上內心覺醒之旅,體會生命的終極意義!   本書的主題是關於生命。如果你想了解我們於天地之間生而為人的真實意義,如果你想知道自己來於何方、去往何處,如果你渴望快樂自由,瑜伽將是最佳的載具,帶你踏上內在覺醒之旅。   要了解瑜伽,身體是第一件工具。瑜伽將存在分為五個層面,從身體的修練出發,你將發現其它四個「微妙之體」——你的能量...


  艾揚格是當代重量級的瑜伽大師,全球弟子無數。他不僅以瑜伽探索了自己的身體和靈魂,還提出一套實際可行的方法、語言,讓一般人也能登堂入室。  《瑜伽之樹》是艾揚格在歐洲各國的演講結集,他從瑜伽在日常生活中的實際運用,到對應身心靈的哲理沉思,向世人傳授這門學問的全貌及精華。書中兼論家庭、愛與性、健康與療癒、冥想以及死亡,將瑜伽與人生,做了完整的引導與融合,更對瑜伽教學者提供了諸多寶貴的建議。 ...

作者:Chokoisky, Simon

A practical guide to simple daily techniques for rapid spiritual progress - Explores 11 time-tested methods for spiritual advancement and how you only need to include 7 each day for spiritual growt...

作者:Goldstein, Jeffrey

Welcome to the "World of the Energy Ball" Create Peaceful vibrations within yourself and your environment anytime using the Life Energy that flows through your hands. This guidebook was born from ...

作者:Carlan, Audrey

My world ended the day I received an eviction notice for Lotus House Yoga. Teaching yoga is all I''ve ever known. I''ve been doing tree pose since the age of two. The studio is my home, my legacy. ...

